[Chessiecon] very brief meeting notes Jo Hogan Fri Jul 18 10:33:43 PDT 2014 Subject: very brief meeting notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Stoddard agreed to be our tech director. We still need someone to set up liability insurance. We still need a secretary. Treasurer's report: $20,278.07 in the account Betsy talked about details of the Time Travelers' Social, and agreed to take Sam to the hotel for measurements and answers to various questions (which she has done since then, and we have most of what we need). We have 16 dealers with 35 tables (7 left) registered. We have 10 artists with 20 panels and 3 tables registered. We brainstormed ideas for Concardia cards. Programming meeting set for Saturday 7/19 at 12:30. August meeting date pending, based on availability of people who were not at the meeting. Please speak up about what dates/times are good or bad for you! -Jo ------------------------------------------------------------------------