Michael Houghton Sun Jan 21 12:05:05 PST 2018 Subject: Minutes of 1/21/2018 meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Howdy! TSFS Meeting 21 January 2018 at Panera plus hangout 1408 Jo Hogan, Margaret Hogan, Sam Hogan, Mark Drexler, Michael Houghton, sir not appearing at this meeting, Josh Kronengold, Hel McGee, Next meeting Sunday, 8 April, 2 pm at Panera [Ed. note: meeting later postponed to 22 April] Jo to distribute proposed budget for 2018 in February for approval in April. Some changes to Code of Conduct needed. Drones and projectiles in public spaces. People representing TSFS including volunteers need to be held to staff-level standards. Guests were being treated as "in character" even when not performing. That turns into harassment. Mark to work on this. Comps -- subcommittee needs to include Jo; Haley and Victoria Besner should be invited. Nominations: President - Jo Hogan Vice President - Michael Houghton Treasurer - Sam Hogan Secretary - no nominee Trustee - Margaret Hogan Moved and seconded to elect entire slate. Ayes are unanimous. How to deal with lack of Secretary? Punt to Trustees? They can appoint. We really ought to have someone to do the job. Duties of the position per the Bylaws: c.3. Corresponding Secretary: Acts as recording secretary by keeping the business meeting minutes at all TSFS meetings chaired by the Vice-President. Secretary Maintains archives of minutes. Makes these archives available to the membership on request. Creates, updates, and makes available a quarterly calendar of upcoming TSFS events. Issues the newsletter, should the organization decide to issue one. Manages incoming mail, electronic or physical, except as necessary under paragraph c.5, below. Maintains TSFS membership lists and insures that a current membership list is available at each regular meeting. Generates mailing labels and renewal notices for mailings. Generates regular membership directories, should the organization decide such is necessary. Maintains confidentiality of member data. Jo organizing programming meeting for March. March 17 proposed. Time TBD. Noon? Josh will continue as Music Coordinator. Jo willing to take up programming the music with Josh's input. Video gaming needs computers. Perhaps a WiFi rig for the room. Anyone with clues? Art show still up in the air. Still waiting for /amque and Ellen Vardanoff to converse on the question. Treasurer's report: $15821.10 in the accounts. Some outstanding stuff of indeterminate amount about $4-500. We appear to be down about $1500 this year. Next year's guests should be a bit cheaper. Sam canvassed the dealers. Some had poor results, and there was some correlation with how far they were from the lobby doors. What can we do? Move to adjourn. Second. Approved. 1503 respectfully submitted, Michael Houghton ------------------------------------------------------------------------