Michael Houghton Sat Jul 14 12:00:58 PDT 2018 Subject: July meeting minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Howdy! TSFS Meeting 14 July, at Jo's house 1400 Jo Hogan, Sam Hogan, Mark Drexler, Margaret Hogan, Michael Houghton, Sir not appearing at this meeting, Fred Blonder. Next meeting, 26 August, 1pm, Jo's house. [Ed. note: business meeting was later postponed to 15 September, with the 8/26 meeting changed to a program planning meeting.] Jo will not be Con Chair next year. Period. We need a con chair if we are going to have a con next year. We really need someone lined up to start getting up to speed this year. March would have been nice. Jo will do programming if she does not have to deal with Con Chair stuff. Mark will work with Jo to document what the Con Chair does. Talk to Thomas and Don about possible recruitment from folks they know. Repeat call on social media. We do have guests for 2019 lined up already, so that does not need to be done. WSFA and BSFS have not yet been productive holes. Art show is not happening for the immediate future. If ever. Registration. We need someone to take on running registration. There may be minion bodies in the offing, but we need a department head. Marketing. Sam is handling what is being done. We are not spending as much effort on it as in the past. Someone motivated to take this on would not be turned away. Will Moody is our salesman now. We've met him. With Roberta's departure, we do not know if we will continue to get a comparable deal from the hotel. Mark Drexler willing to undertake negotiations for next year. We still need someone to work with Steve to become hotel liaison. Maybe Mark. Maybe. Keep looking for someone. Can we do something special on Thursday night for the benefit of the folks there early doing all that setup stuff? Timonium room status is still unclear. We may also be on the prowl for a new venue if we can no longer get the good rates we have had. Code of Conduct still open issue. On comps, we explained to potential guests about the situation, and many of them were perfectly fine with paying for memberships. So we may have relieved the issue. Need Turkey's presenter. Programming meeting 21 July, 1pm, Jo's house. And to reiterate, we really need a Con Chair, or we might have to consider laying down Chessiecon. We don't want to do that. Treasurer: $15306.99 in total. Several checks outstanding. Move to adjourn. Second. Third. Approved. 1459 respectfully submitted, Herveus ------------------------------------------------------------------------