sagesaria (Margaret Hogan) Sat May 4 16:11:31 PDT 2019 Subject: May 2019 Business Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSFS Meeting 4 May, at Panera Bread 1400 Jo Hogan, Sam Hogan, Margaret Hogan, Michael Houghton, Alex Villanueva, Josh Kronengold, Dave Montuori, Yakira Heistand, Rachel Cluster Next meeting, 8 June, at Panera Bread On account of hotel situation and lack of staff, the committee has motioned to cancel Chessiecon 2019. THIS IS NOT YET PUBLIC; a text meeting about the future of the convention is scheduled for May 17th at 6 PM, details TBD. The official announcement will go public on the 18th. Jo will be writing announcement letters. After that point, we will be giving refunds to current memberships, but also offer the option to put their payment down for a 2020 membership instead. Josh will not be Con Chair for 2020. Ask Jo in 2020 whether she will be willing to be program director. We will need a lot of bodies for 2020 and hope that canceling for 2019 will prompt people to come forward. Yakira will write calls for volunteers to be posted on the website. Dave is willing to go forward with registration. Yakira is in charge of dealer's room and volunteer coordination, and will be looking into hotels for 2020. May 17th is the deadline for settling on a hotel, so that Sam will know what to tell interested parties at the book fair on the 18th. There has been some discussion of possibly holding a one-day Thanksgiving dinner and light activity to give those who have Thanksgiving weekend set aside for the convention and those who otherwise want to see us, so that we haven't completely disappeared. Suggestions of possible music by the not!Clams or Tom Smith, and a tv station with very limited video gaming. Replicating mini-Arisia would be a fun idea but it's too early to decide if we want to go that far. Details will be discussed at next in-person meeting; after Balticon and settling on 2020 plans. Jo sent dimensions of our past hotel to the list. Requirements of a new hotel are that it be accessible, LGBT+ friendly (namely with gender-neutral bathrooms), small enough that we can reasonably fill the space or at least be in a space isolated enough that we don't freak the mundanes, and it would be preferred to have a lobby that we can use as function space since our attendees like that. Yakira offered the Hunt Valley as a possibility; we could fill the Secret Basement, and the hotel is local to public transportation. Goal is to have at least three possible hotels by the May 17th deadline, and Yakira will be calling for assistance from the list. Con suite will be a concern with a new hotel, as the previous hotel had been looking the other way in regards to the food situation and Maryland's food laws. This will need to be addressed at a new location. Treasurer's Report: Budget of $16k for theoretical 2019, we have $12,545.23 Move to adjourn. Second. Third. Approved. 1540 ------------------------------------------------------------------------