The Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society held a general business meeting on 26 June 2022. The meeting was held online via Discord, with no in-person interaction aside from between folks who live together, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All conversations took place via text chat in Discord. This is a quick-n-dirty Discord transcript of the TSFS General Business Meeting held on 26 June 2022, made on 29 June 2022 by Keith Lynch. All formatting has basically been lost. Meeting was scheduled to begin at 1 PM EDT. Conversations effectively begin at 12:55 PM. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From: "Keith F. Lynch" To: Dave Montuori Subject: Transcript of June 2022 TSFS meeting Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 20:29:42 -0400 (EDT) Welcome to #june-2022-business-meeting! This is the start of the #june-2022-business-meeting channel. April 23, 2022 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 04/23/2022 Meeting scheduled for Saturday, 18 June 2022, at 1300. June 9, 2022 Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/09/2022 Oh fun. I cannot make the meeting next weekend. I can put an agenda here, but I will not be in any position to run it or join it. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/09/2022 Forwarded to our Vice President Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/09/2022 Thanks. Diamond Mystic -- 06/09/2022 Acknowledged. My wife and I will be out of state vending, but mainly on Friday, so we'll probably be able to be in digital attendance. Will let you know closer to the day. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/09/2022 Would moving the meeting to Sunday, 26 June work for people? Or does that introduce new conflicts? Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/09/2022 June 26 is ok for me Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/09/2022 I think June 26 is free for me. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/09/2022 afaik that's fine for me Diamond Mystic -- 06/09/2022 I think it should be fine for is as well--I'll double check with my better half later tonight to be sure, but I'm 90% sure that frees us up as well. DrGandalf -- 06/09/2022 Works for me Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/09/2022 26 June is good for me Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/09/2022 OK. So be it. June business meeting Sunday 26 June at 1pm. I've put it on my bloody calendar this time.... Diamond Mystic -- 06/09/2022 ***And yes, we're fine for the 26th as well! Will be nice to get back to this again, life has been, "hectic" over on our end. See you all then! June 18, 2022 Keith Lynch -- 06/18/2022 As I said at the last meeting, I won't be available the weekend of June 24-26. I promised months ago to help with setup and teardown at a local ham radio club's ARRL Field Day event that weekend. Here are a few thoughts on the upcoming Chessiecon: As in past years, I'm available to staff the con suite on the overnight shift, making it a true 24-hour con suite. I will also help with setup and teardown. Good news for DC-area non-drivers who would have used the B30 Metrobus if it hadn't been discontinued: DC Metrorail and Baltimore Light Rail are once again linked, this time by the 201 MTA bus, fare $2 ($1 for seniors) which goes hourly between Shady Grove on DC's Red Line and BWI, which is on Baltimore's Light Rail. (The con hotel is near the Pepper Road Light Rail station.) See If Chessiecon's covid policy is identical to that of last year's and this year's Worldcons, I suggest making it explicit that expired IDs or being recognized by staff members suffices. Or just take their word for it that their vaccine card is theirs; it's not as if the vaccinators required ID. To compensate for what happened to Stephanie Burke at Balticon and to prove to her that her reputation isn't destroyed, not even just in Charm City, I suggest making her a Special Guest at Chessiecon, comping memberships, transportation, and a room for her, her husband, and their two kids, and of course placing her on program. [7:10 AM] As usual I will email a transcript of this meeting to anyone here who asks. Random thought: Instead of trying to get everyone online at the same time for out next meeting, we could try an asynchronous meeting, in which everyone agrees to briefly log in almost every day from the meeting's start date until its adjournment, to catch up on what has already happened in the meeting and respond to it. June 25, 2022 Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/25/2022 The con Chair is aware of the recent F%&*ery on the part of ICANN with the e-mail system and website. Trying to fix it. June 26, 2022 DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 T-minus 5 minutes Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 On the phone with family will be there but might run a bit late. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Agenda: Set next meeting date Con Chair - ICANN fuckery Treasurer Con Chair Programming Website Registration Volunteers Vendors Gaming Music Other departments I'm overlooking Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 theoretically present Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Neither here nor there, but that's usual Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Adsum. "Awake will cost you extra" as the Nancybutton says. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Online @Poryshkin | Con Chair Neither here nor there, but that's usual DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all? Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 I'm here. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Slept poorly last night. Need more caffieine. @DrGandalf How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 ALL HAIL MARX AND LENNON 1 @DrGandalf How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all? Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 dissociation NEW Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I think we have a working quorum. Let me call this meeting to order (or what passes for it). @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration Slept poorly last night. Need more caffieine. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 As did I, on top of my usual falling asleep in te middle of the day problems Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Next business meeting: do we need one in August? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I think that kinda depends on how the convention prep (outside of programming) is proceeding? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Probably not, unless we have people who would like to do the whole orgganizational thing. Focused meetings, like for programming are a spearate issue. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 But if there needs to be an August meeting, the first and second weekends are Right Out. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 "What Evan said" Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 There's this thing called Pennsic... Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Does that cover Pennisc extended? [1:05 PM] AH Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Pennsic runs through the second weekend. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 We must be completely off site by noon on Sunday, August 14th. I will likely be traveling across PA on that Sunday. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Second weekend (13,14) in August bad for me. Others OK at the moment. I don't Pensic, but I do Uke. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 But if we don't actually need an August meeting this is all a moot point. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Tru 'nuf Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 As far as September goes, the weekend of September 17-18 is bad for me. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 We do need one sometime in July-august-September, according tot he bylaws. But not specifically August Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Nothing as yet in August for me. July 15-17 would be the next disruption on my schedule so I'm good if one needs to happen. Alex * Jack-of-All-Trades -- 06/26/2022 Here DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Sept 11 bad for me, others OK so far Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 September 10, 11, and 25 are the only good days for me. [1:09 PM] July has no good options for me. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 July is looking increasingly bad for me as a whole but it seems pointless to have a July meeting when we're having one today. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 30 September is out, that's Capclave Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 How about we go for September 11. Sunday, 1pm. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Sept 11 is bad for me, as I said Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Dr G says 11 is bad-is 10 Sep OK, Dr G? Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 September 10, Saturday. then [1:10 PM] My bad. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Yes, as long as it doesn'rt run too long, that's also BSFS/Balticon in the evening Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 That works for me Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Sept 10 is good on my end . Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 works for me Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 At this point I can do Sept 10th. Family issues may cause a change to that status but I at least hope I could Discord in briefly from my phone. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I've put it on my calendar. Channel created. 2 [1:12 PM] I was unaware of ICANN fuckery and its effects. I thought it merited being at the top of the agenda. [1:12 PM] Do tell, Poryshkin Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Mostly explained in today's e-mail, but for those of you who didn't get it: ICANN suspended both our e-mail server, and the Chessiecon web site for some number of days. They had been spamming me about verifying the who is information, despite the fact that it had already been verified. Both systems were back up as of yesterday, some time. The problem seems to have been solved, as of now. [1:14 PM] However: [1:15 PM] I have no idea how long things were in the crapper, and I don't know what might have happened with any registration that might have been attempted during the time that was down. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 I suppose if anyone contacts us and says they tried to register and the site was down so they missed the deadline, we can give them the old rate as a one off. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Absolutely. [1:17 PM] We might put up a message about the outage, even. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 ^ Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Due to this, I would like to make a proposal: The 30 June, 2022 cut-off membersip price for both General Memberships, and Dealers' Tables be extended to the end of Shore Leave (17 July 2022) Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 That looks like a motion to me. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 yES, A MOTION. [1:18 PM] A eff the caps lock key Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 second Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Any discussion? Or shall we vote? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 However, REgistration/web site should let us know if that's going to be a problem DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Sounds good, put an announcement on the web page about the outage and the extension Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 While I am not opposed to this extension, I will point out that I have no way of changing it. In fact, I suspect that anyone who tries to pre-reg NOW as an adult will be charged $55. [1:20 PM] (Because the usual price hike date is not June 30 but earlier in the year, and that doesn't appear to be configurable by the "registrations" user. I am willing to be corrected if someone tells me how!) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Hm, I dont' rememer how this is done, off the top of my head. I'd have to talk to Jo, who has probably explained it to me before, but I am extremely fuzzy-brained about it. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 There must be a way to do it, we need to find out who has the secret code or the magic wand Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Well, fuzzy-brained about everything Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 My tentative policy for anyone who pre-reg'd at $55 before June 30 was going to be to offer the $5 refund and figure out how to implement it later. This could be extended without any problems not already present in the plan. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Sounds workable. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 That makes sense to me, actually Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Not that anyone appears to have tried to pre-reg as just an attendee. Merchant related things can wait till that part of the meeting. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 It might be simpler to see if anyone complains about not being able to register. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Any other concerns before putting it to a vote? [1:26 PM] Being up front about it give the appearance of caring in a good way. @Marilyn Mix | Website It might be simpler to see if anyone complains about not being able to register. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 We've had one (1) complaint so far, that was from a merchant so not actually related to this. (edited) Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 I think we should announce that the website/registration was down, and to contact us if they were prevented from registering. But I'm not opposed to extending the $50 rate. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 What Marilyn said. @Marilyn Mix | Website It might be simpler to see if anyone complains about not being able to register. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Thing about Shore Leave: We have a Fan Table there, and I actually may have people o sit it. We. It simplifies things for them if they can tell people that the registration cut-off date extends through the end of Shore Leave [1:29 PM] Since the flyers we have say 30 June DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Make a sign for the fan table, "Special Rate Extension" etc. People always like getting something cheaper 3 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Good idea Dr G Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Make sense to me Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 My calendar is open that weekend. I could sit the table a bunch. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 You're going? Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I was not planning on going, but I am not otherwise booked. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 I'll be away at a Naturist Festival that weekend. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 July 16-17 has become my weekend for Get All The Pennsic Gear From Various Places In VA And Bring It Back To PA. (So Shore Leave is a no-go for me.) Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 AFK for a moment: should it officially be brought to motion, in favor of the extension (BRB). 1 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I call the question Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 All in favor say aye; all opposed sat nay Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Restate motion please for the record DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 [eye] Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 I vote "aye" Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 aye Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Aye Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 aye Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 The 30 June, 2022 cut-off membersip price for both General Memberships, and Dealers' Tables be extended to the end of Shore Leave (17 July 2022) 2 Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 (back). Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I say aye and observe that the ayes have it. [1:40 PM] Treasurer's report. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Hold it [1:40 PM] I will need some text for the website and Facebook. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 OK. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Also a note on the registration page about the the fact that you will be charged $55, but will get a refund. Marilyn Mix | Website Also a note on the registration page about the the fact that you will be charged $55, but will get a refund. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration How do you want this worded? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Chessiecon Vendors and Members: The cut-off dedline for Dealers' Tables and General Membership has been extended to 17 July 2022 (end of Shore Leave.) Pleae contact us if you attempt to register, and our system tries to charge you a different rate. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 deadline Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Proposed wording: In response to circumstances beyond our control, we have extended the cut-off date for the $50 adult rate and the $100 dealer table rate to 17 July 2022. If you preregister online before that date and are charged a higher rate, we will contact you about a refund for the difference." (edited) 1 [1:44 PM] Or go with what Poryshkin said Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Dave's wording is better Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 My suggestion For Facebook, Our website and email were unavailable for a number of days recently. Therefore, we have extended the cut-off date for the $50 adult rate and the $100 dealer table rate to 17 July 2022. If you preregister online before that date and are charged a higher rate, we will contact you about a refund for the difference." 2 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 If we preregister anyone at the Shore Leave fan table using Square, we can just charge the lower rate, but going through Paypal will probably charge them the higher rate. @Marilyn Mix | Website My suggestion For Facebook, Our website and email were unavailable for a number of days recently. Therefore, we have extended the cut-off date for the $50 adult rate and the $100 dealer table rate to 17 July 2022. If you preregister online before that date and are charged a higher rate, we will contact you about a refund for the difference." Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I like it [1:48 PM] Oh, add "Please make sure your email address is correct so that we can contact you if necessary." 3 [1:48 PM] (We've had issues with outdated and/or misspelled email addresses before, how can you tell?) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Square will go to Shore Leave only if someone from teh ConCom does. Otherwise, it's just simpler fro whomever is sitting the fan table to direct people to our registration page or register by mail. The current flyer includes a QR square for people tying to electronically connect to us. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 OK. I'm good to go for the website and social media posts. 2 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 We can also send people a Square invoice afterwards if they fill out a paper form, as long as their email address is correct. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Treasurere's report, then? 1 Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Please Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 WE have $8362.89 in the various accounts. Future anticipated expendatures will include the ASCAP license, and event insurance. [1:53 PM] And of course, the hotel contract, but that's for after the convention Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Thank you. Do continue as Con Chair. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Um, need to do a programming meeting RSN. I've had a few sugestions, but have not had enough to tryi to come up with anything resempling an outline. [1:56 PM] Um, something else as far a direct con guets/programming/panelists, etc, um, I'm trying to remember. [1:56 PM] something... Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Keith's suggestion made upchannel? (re: Stephanie Burke) (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 OH, as of this particular moment, both Pyrrus and Jim Trigg are willing to host tabletop gaming room. ARe either of them here today? Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 That does not appear to be the case. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Jim's offline. Technically, anyway. I have his phone number, you want me to text him? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 I think I'll just e-mail the two of them when I have the mental capacity to do so. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 When you email them. Tell them to expect an email from me asking for web content about tabletop gaming. (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 As far as Keith's suggestion...I am only vaguely aware of the Stephanie Burke situationh. There is a feeling from a differrent group that I am involved in that she was treated a bit unfairly, or at least, um, IDK what to say. Not that Balticon was abusive, but that Oh, I think the words used were "dropped the ball." I don't have enough information therefore, to form an opinion on this issue. Can anyone better informed fill us in, and how or why that should affect Chessiecon? @Marilyn Mix | Website When you email them. Tell them to expect an email from me asking for web content about tabletop gaming. (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Will do DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 I have more knowledge about the Stephanie situation, but I am on the BSFS board and I can't comment on specifics at the moment since it is currently being investigated. Suffice to say that much of what you hear is biased. I disagree totally with Keith's suggestion. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 We should wait until after the BSFS investigation to take any action regarding Ms. Burke Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 That lead me to think that it would be wildly premature for TSFS to take any action here. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 If this is the situation I'm thinking it might be... at any rate for those of us not in the know if it may be stated for the record, which Keith and which suggestion? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I wasn't at Balticon. For whatever reason I did get sent Stephanie's reaction post (don't recal what forum). My reading of Keith's suggestion is that Chessiecon offer her special guest status as a gesture of general goodwill from the greater area fandom community, not out of any obligation on Chessiecon's specific part. I do not claim to have any knowledge of any actual details, and have no opinion on whether we should consider doing this. I just pointed it out in response to Poryshkin's trying to remember whatever else he might have forgotten. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Yeah, I feel we need much more information before making any sort of decision. I think we shoudl table this issue for now. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Keith Lynch proposed "To compensate for what happened to Stephanie Burke at Balticon and to prove to her that her reputation isn't destroyed, not even just in Charm City, I suggest making her a Special Guest at Chessiecon, comping memberships, transportation, and a room for her, her husband, and their two kids, and of course placing her on program. " (edited) @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration I wasn't at Balticon. For whatever reason I did get sent Stephanie's reaction post (don't recal what forum). My reading of Keith's suggestion is that Chessiecon offer her special guest status as a gesture of general goodwill from the greater area fandom community, not out of any obligation on Chessiecon's specific part. I do not claim to have any knowledge of any actual details, and have no opinion on whether we should consider doing this. I just pointed it out in response to Poryshkin's trying to remember whatever else he might have forgotten. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 And it was indeed, useful for my memory. @Diamond Mystic If this is the situation I'm thinking it might be... at any rate for those of us not in the know if it may be stated for the record, which Keith and which suggestion? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Keith Lynch (who can't be at this meeting today) made a suggestion in this channel before the meeting, look waaaaaay at the beginning of the channel. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 ...which I have copypastaed here Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Oh! I think I did see that earlier! Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 It's useful to recite it here in context. 2 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Yes. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Let us consider the recommendation tabled for now on the grounds that it is premature while investigation continues. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I agree that we really don't have enough info to go on at this point, so yes to tabling it until later. (edited) DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Agreed Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Seconded. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I don't think we have to vote on it. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 (as to tabling for now) Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I don't think anyone in objecting to tabling it (if they do object they should speak up) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Unless people have direct questio for Con Chair, I think that's it for me. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Keith also had some thoughts on COVID policy and ID for proof of vaccination. Where are we on that? Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 I concur with those. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Specifically: If Chessiecon's covid policy is identical to that of last year's and this year's Worldcons, I suggest making it explicit that expired IDs or being recognized by staff members suffices. Or just take their word for it that their vaccine card is theirs; it's not as if the vaccinators required ID. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Have we decided our policy yet? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 WE have not changed the policy in place, if that's what you're asking Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Refresh my memory please. Have we required ID in the past? Katsucon DOES require ID and did so well before the pandemic. Katsucon explicitly DOES NOT put in writing that expired IDs are okay, but tells the "line trolls" that they are in fact okay. [2:16 PM] There are likely legal reasons for this. I, however, Am Not A Lawyer[TM]. (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 We required ID with proof of vaccination when we thought we were going to have a physical convention last year Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 ID should be asked for but if it is out of date, etc. and they have vaccination proof I'd say let's not make it a bar to attendance for exactly that reason--and Keith's reasoning being accurate I'd say. @Diamond Mystic ID should be asked for but if it is out of date, etc. and they have vaccination proof I'd say let's not make it a bar to attendance for exactly that reason--and Keith's reasoning being accurate I'd say. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Yeah, I am very much in agreement Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 refresh my memory, do we have a mask mandate at present policy? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Yes Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 As head of Reg, I will state that expired IDs that otherwise meet requirements should be acceptable. But there must be a reason that Katsucon has very explicitly said (on multple occasions at staff meetings) that they will not put this in writing. (edited) Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 good. I would very much like that to stay in place, or at the VERY least stay in place for video gaming specifically DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 I agree with not publishing an "expired ID OK" policy, but using it anyway. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 Agreed, advertising it feels like an invitation to abuse it rather than a contingency Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration likely for reasons of feared legality in case someone is later confirmed to be infected who was in on an expired. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 The Katsucon policy predates pandemic by at least 4 years so infection concerns were very much not an issue (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 If the concern is that "making it explicit" means putting it in writing, I don't see the necessity for that. There are wasy of making things explicit without putting them in writing. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 I'd imagine liability insurance and some language on the website registration etc. should take care of any of those concerns though. [2:19 PM] ***again also not a lawyer. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Basically, I don't think there is any need to put an expired-ID policy in writing, and there may be reasons NOT to. 2 DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Something like "We will take every reasonable precaution but there is no way to guarantee" Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 @DrGandalf Exactly. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I do think we should require some ID along with the vax record. For folks under 18, voucher from the responsible adult should suffice. [2:23 PM] (Note to self: double check the location of your vax record, you need it for Pennsic too) Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Agreed. [2:23 PM] Minors are 't likely to have any unless they are 16+ as is. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Balticon had a FAQ regarding ID. They considered the case where someone's ID didn't match their name due to gender change, etc. @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration I do think we should require some ID along with the vax record. For folks under 18, voucher from the responsible adult should suffice. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 That is the case, except for the minors part, when we originallyed the COV ID policy, vaccinations for minors weren't available yet, so that wasn't a consideration. The only update we need really is to account for that. 1 DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Will we have a separate vax check station preceding reg, or will they be combined? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 TBH, Virginia offers non-driver IDs to 12+ these days. But yes, Katsucon also has an unwritten policy regarding name on the ID doesn't necessarily match. If the picture is close enough it's fine and they'll change the name on the badge. For Chessiecon we don't preprint badges so that last step isn't one we need to worry about. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Do we have the staff for a separate station? I honestly dont' think we do. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 We probably don't. No way to tell for sure until closer to the con. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Maybe for a few of the most busy reg hours we might try to find someone to help with that. 2 Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Sounds like a contingency for ConOps to keep in mind. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 In any case, whether it is reg or an independent checker, they need to be sure to have a Vax QR code reader on their phone or other device Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 If we have extra volunteers during high volume times, we can consider setting some of them up for ID/vax check ahead of time. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Or a legible picture of their physical card. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 The HV Delta has multiple built in "desk" alcoves--one on first floor included, so we can make use of those. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Dr G, talk to me off-channel about using the Vax QR code? (edited) @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration Dr G, talk to me off-channel about using the Vax QR code? (edited) DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Sure thing, message me or email me [2:32 PM] We made sure that the checkers had the QR reader at Balticon. I never needed it in the 4 or so hours I was checking, don't know if anyone else used it. But should be available Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 The second I'm familiar with is at the bottom of escalator between the floors, so worst come to worst we might be able to setup vax check at the first and funnel them directly down after verification to the one on second floor to keep line moving. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 My brain keeps wanting to think about the logistics of doing it at the old hotel, not the HV Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 That actually brings up another Con Chair question. Can we arrange a hotel walkthrough in the fall? [2:35 PM] I haven't been to the Hunt Vally in half of forever. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 That's a pretty standard thing. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 "What he said" Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 @DrGandalf np--if you need me message me insofar as layout: I/we should try to find a floor plan to post here. I'm a ringer so to speak--staff multiple conventions at this hotel since 2010. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Vax checking was separate at Balticon and it did NOT cause the slightest bit of registration backup. It really only takes 15 seconds if the people have their cards handy, maybe a minute if they have to fumble. 3 Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 ***I was staff at Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 I'll go back through the meeting notes, and see if I can set one up for sometime in September that is ammenable to the most people @Diamond Mystic @DrGandalf np--if you need me message me insofar as layout: I/we should try to find a floor plan to post here. I'm a ringer so to speak--staff multiple conventions at this hotel since 2010. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 I've been doing cons at the HV for over 40 years, so I know it. Its just that my brain says Chessie = old hotel 1 Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Therre were even one or two Darkovers at HV. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 [hotel map] 2 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 I admit, my brain tries to associate Chessie with old hotel... and then immediately goes to the two ABANDONED HOTEL videos about the old hotel Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 There we go. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Bear in mid, Chessiecon does not have the whole layout above; I'd have to go back over the contract, and see what we dont' have. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 RIght. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Do we have all the stuff shown in that picture, or only part of it? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Only part. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 Most of it, not all of it. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Let me know which part and I can redraw the map to fit us 2 Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Fair point, often a con might be on only 1 floor and sharing the rest with another event in that place. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 I'll dig stuff up and post tot he staff list later. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 I assume room assignment will be closer to the date/after a walkthrough? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 @Saria | Videogaming, Website Such was my presumption, anyway (edited) @Saria | Videogaming, Website I assume room assignment will be closer to the date/after a walkthrough? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 More likely sometime before the walk through. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 ok. when walkthrough happens I will for sure at least want measurements and a panorama of the room suspected to be videogaming Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Panoramic photos can be arranged. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 3D virtual reality tours? Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 On the website it appears they even have a capacity chart and floor plan on the "events" link at the bottom of the home page. [2:46 PM] (capacity and layout measurements by event room). Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Action items: Poryskin will let DrGandalf know which spaces we have so DrGandalf can prepare a map showing that. 2 DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Offhand, do you remember if we have any of the rooms down the hall across from the elevators on the 1st floor? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 The asalon rooms? [2:52 PM] Grr, salon rooms? Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 I have a first floor floor plan pic but can't figure out how to post a photo here for reference. @Poryshkin | Con Chair The asalon rooms? DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Chase, Tack, Derby. Those. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 [hotel map] Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 I think w don't? Could be wrong DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 That's really weird, the maps of the floor plans are on the UK Marriott web site: Marriott International Delta Hotels Baltimore Hunt Valley View business services & meeting rooms at Delta Hotels Baltimore Hunt Valley. Our Hunt Valley business & event spaces are designed for success. 1 Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Yes, and only the sparse 1st floor is on the events floor plans link?! Surprised me as well. [2:58 PM] Oh and that's the lower level... yeesh. Good re-direct Dr. G Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I think we've exhausted the floor plan subject for now. And Con Chair indicated he had covered what he wanted to. [2:59 PM] Programming was up next on the agenda and was touched upon. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 I do know we hae the Concierge Lounge: that's goingto be Con Suite. 1 Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Is there more to say about Programming at this time? Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 yes [3:01 PM] When do we plan on getting back to the people who have already volunteered, Scott Edelman, Sarah Cohen, etc? [3:01 PM] to be participants Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 06/26/2022 HOnsetly, when I can wake up. Seriously, sorry, but I am utterly exhausted and need to crash,. [3:02 PM] peace out Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Rest well. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Moving along, Website? Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 yes [3:04 PM] I have a couple of things Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 OK Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 I would like to have some info on boardgaming and videogaming for the website/social media. [3:07 PM] Are we having a Time Traveler Social? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Who has hosted the TTS in past years? Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 I think Tom Atkinson has Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Anyone have contact info to query interest in hosting again? Marilyn Mix | Website I would like to have some info on boardgaming and videogaming for the website/social media. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 @Saria | Videogaming, Website Do you have a blurb on videogaming yet/ @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration Anyone have contact info to query interest in hosting again? Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 I do, but I don't want to overstep. [3:11 PM] I'll email the conchair with my other questions. (Coivd policy, etc) Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Sounds good. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 I'm also considering a new host for the website. But will need feedback from Zen for that. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 not yet, I'll have to get something down. that partially requires me figuring out if I want to do anything special Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 As for Marketing: [3:13 PM] I need to find out if a fan table at Capclave has been requested. @Saria | Videogaming, Website not yet, I'll have to get something down. that partially requires me figuring out if I want to do anything special Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Cool. email when you have one Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Should the rest of us who head programming tracks also get them ready ASAP then (also a brief aside for marketing when a moment is free)? @Diamond Mystic Should the rest of us who head programming tracks also get them ready ASAP then (also a brief aside for marketing when a moment is free)? Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Yes. Any info that we can use to tell people what to expect at Chessiecon would be helpful. Thanks. [3:17 PM] I plan to print and take flyers to Confluence in Pittsburgh, the end of July. [3:17 PM] FYI Shore Leave fan table: there are about 25 flyers and 22 small card flyers left over from Balticon. [3:18 PM] That's all I have to report. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Thank you. Registration is next. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Got it. I don't have presenters nailed down yet (I've gotten nothing from the submissions call/link on the website--not wholly surprised given the jump to and back from the digital formats). so I'm putting out my own calls elsewhere July 1st, and have a couple people ear-marked as potential returning presenters should they wish. I can work up a general description blurb prior though for Mythic Track. @Diamond Mystic Got it. I don't have presenters nailed down yet (I've gotten nothing from the submissions call/link on the website--not wholly surprised given the jump to and back from the digital formats). so I'm putting out my own calls elsewhere July 1st, and have a couple people ear-marked as potential returning presenters should they wish. I can work up a general description blurb prior though for Mythic Track. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Great. General info about the Mythic track is useful. again my email is (edited) 1 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Registration report... First and foremost, rollovers/refunds. I have, at long last and after a lot of digging hrough the past registrants list by hand, gotten all the info I need for the mail merge onto one spreadsheet. [3:22 PM] What I have not finished yet is the final wording for the letter. [3:22 PM] One thing I need for that letter is, if there is to be a deadline for requesting refunds, what that deadline is. (edited) [3:26 PM] Yes, I think we should have such a deadline. I am ambivalent on what it should be. My original plan was going to be, don't roll anyone over until after the refund request deadline. But that could cause confusion. I suppose I could pick a date to roll everyone over who hadn't already requested a refund, even if such date is before the deadline, and then if anyone requests a refund after, cancel the rolled-over registration. [3:26 PM] Anyway, thoughts from any of youse? Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 That would work. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Ambiguous reply is ambiguous, at least to my underslept and undercaffeinated brain (apologies) (edited) Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Pick a date to roll everyone over. If someone later requests a refund, we refund and cancel. That gets everyone into one bucket for now. [3:29 PM] Off the top of my head, I'm thinking that 1 September as a deadline to request a refund is plausible. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 OK. 1 September is Thursday right before Labor Day weekend. I can guarantee that any refund requests made on that date will not be processed until after the holiday. Other than that it's a plausible suggestion. Opinions, anyone? The "roll everyone over" date cannot be between 15 July and 15 August; between Pennsic prep, family funeral, and Pennsic itself, I'm too busy to burn a day processing all the rollovers. Not sure I have an opinion as to whether to do it before or after that month. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I don't think it greatly matters. If we notify them of the deadline for requesting refunds, the rollover can be scheduled at your convenience. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 How about after Nov 1, when preregistration ends. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 That's a plausible date, too. [3:35 PM] I have a hat; I reached into it. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 IIRC preregistration doesn't actually end, 1 November is just when the price goes up to full at-door price. @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration IIRC preregistration doesn't actually end, 1 November is just when the price goes up to full at-door price. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Gotcha Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Pretty sure folks have pre-reg'd in November (at the rack rate) in past years. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 If putting off the rollover action until late August or September, that's fine. "At your convenience" should be taken literally. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 It's mostly a question of, how much confusion will there be if folks who should be rolled over go to the pre-reg site and don't see themselves as pre-reg'd. [3:41 PM] Anyone who actively requests a rollover will be rolled over right away (except between 15 Juy and 15 August). [3:42 PM] (So far that is all of four people, three of whom are Herveus, Marilyn, and myself;, haven't actually heard from the rest of youse) DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Roll me over, in the clover..... Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Ah. If the letter makes it clear that the paperwork part of the rollover on our end might not happen instantly but it will happen might be useful to cover that case. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 True dat. But anyway, I'd like the actual refund request deadline to be mentioned in the letter, so let's pick it [3:45 PM] I'm actually kinda leaning more towards 1 November, now that I think about it. Trying to make things flexible for folks with pandemic uncertainty still being a thing. (edited) Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Sounds fair. Make it so. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 OK. WIll try to finalize letter wording right after the meeting and send it up the flagpole to the staff list to make sure I didn't screw anything up. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Excellent. Is that it for Registration? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 One more very minor thing [3:48 PM] I used SignUp back in 2018 to organize shifts at the Reg table so people could sign up in advance if they wanted. I intend to do the same this year unless there's another system in place. of which I'm unaware. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Check with @Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors to confirm. [3:49 PM] And with that, do any other departments have anything to report? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Ayup. THis isn't something needing finalized until at least September anyway. [3:49 PM] Registration out. (edited) Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 And absent any other reports, a motion to adjourn would appear to be appropriate. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 wait Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Roger. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 I'll ceed floor to Saria first though. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 the only thing I have to say is I want a verification of what the hotel can provide. The Red Raddison or whatever they called themselves always gave me two TVs, I'm not sure if that's still the deal with Hunt Valley? I'm not entirely sure what my social distancing floor plan is yet and I do have two HDMI tvs and two CRTs of my own at least. But it's always good to know my resources available. [3:52 PM] that doesn't have to be right now, but just for the record. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Noted. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Of note on that, the website says their capacity numbers are inclusive of social distancing requirements (whatever those now may be in MD, given masks are elsewhere not required for vaccinated individuals)--guessing that was put up prior to this though. [3:56 PM] As an open offer, I live 25 minutes from the venue (and was planning driving close by today anyway). If someone needs me to drop by and confirm something prior to walk-thru, I can physically do this on Friday/Saturday/Sunday, but it would need to be something I can check as Joe-public, or I'd need authorization from Chessiecon to act in capacity to interface--just putting it out there though. [3:57 PM] As to my minor other business: marketing--I made an offer on one of the previous meetings to drive to some local area colleges closer to the event date and leave flyers where allowable to drum up attendance. 1 [3:58 PM] I'm still willing, and now that summer is upon us, now, and/or sometime closer to fall might be good for it. [3:59 PM] Just let me know if you'd still like that, are the current (correct dates/venue etc.) flyer file up on the website still? Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 I think that's a useful idea. I'd think that early fall would be the best time with the beginning of the new semester. 1 Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Right I think so as well, a lot of the college groups (sci-fi/fandom etc) can still be active on campus in many places and hold events in summer so it might be nice to strike during that time, but I think early fall is the essential time to do so. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 I can send you an updated flyer PDF at the end of July. You can print and post at your convenience. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Sounds great, thanks! Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Excellent plan. Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Local cons live and die on student populations in large part, and after the venue-switch and pandemic I figure we can use all the help we can get to ensure a good turn out. [4:07 PM] That's all on my end, except to say, @Saria | Videogaming, Website when you/we know what room venue video-gaming will be assigned, let me know, a lot of that hotel is open public access and I can likely drop by and scope the layout and tech (connections and such) situation for you if there isn't enough info on the website--so you can plan better. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Thanks. Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 06/26/2022 I'd appreciate that, thank you! Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 np. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Anyone else, or do we have a motion to adjourn. It's been over three hours now. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 What, you don't like Keith's idea of having the meetings last a week? Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 In a word, no. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Funny, I thought you might say that Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Lol! Motion to adjourn. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Discord meetings take about twice as long as in person, but there are benefits. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 2° Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 All in favor harumph. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 We've had "asynchronous" meeting over email, in the distant past, that lasted up to a month. We don't have any minutes from those email meetings. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumph! Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Harumph! Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 Harumph! Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 Harumpf, and speaking of in-person, will nice to finally meet some of you in person at the con. Let's blow this popsicle stand. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 06/26/2022 I will now resume my vacation. Herveus | Con Ops -- 06/26/2022 Thank you all for sticking this out. Toodles. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 I'd have to put clothes on if we met in person Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Clothes will likely be required at the con itself ;-P (edited) DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Most likely. At least in public areas Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 I don't have to put we'd need to get really "creative" with seating arrangements if you decided in the negative. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 We officially don't care about nonpublic areas (edited) Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 ***I don't think "have to" necessarily but DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Spending time without clothes on is why I won't be going to Shore Leave 1 Diamond Mystic -- 06/26/2022 And on that note, sounds fun, enjoy but possibly TMI? I'm outta here for now. DrGandalf -- 06/26/2022 Nothing TMI about being a nudist. See y'all later. 1 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 06/26/2022 Laters everyone. Good "night", and may the good news be yours. June 29, 2022 Diamond Mystic -- 6/29/2022 at 2:33 PM So as mentioned, I did drop by the Delta Hunt Valley, (yesterday night though not Sunday) and they had a nice multi-floor layout plan flyer at the front desk which I've now scanned and cut-up into the various 4 floors (LL Lobby/1st, 2nd & 3rd). Some notes: this plan isn't complete, even the legend in the flyer admits there are guest rooms not shown, and I've been in several of the public or at least formerly public areas not shown, bear that in mind (there was a really interesting fairly spacious stand-alone space on one of the upper floors, that I always thought would make a good Con Suite, but if it isn't shown here it likely won't be available anyway, and the empty space on the Lower Level should consist, if memory serves, of a hallway which leads to the now closed Diner inside and a staircase outside that leads from the lower level to main level parking for instance--a loading dock is also on the lower level, I know because I hav e helped load up vendor vehicles there in years past--so that is a likely entry point for things too cumbersome for the front entry traffic circle). So hopefully this will help a bit at-a-glance for visualization and planning discussion [see subsequent posts]: Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 6/29/2022 at 2:37 PM We def already have Concierge Loounge for Con Suite Diamond Mystic -- 6/29/2022 at 2:39 PM I know, just mentioning it as it work for something else if found to still be in play--I'm going to have to pair these down anyway when I get home in a few hours, as the file size is apparently too large, ugh.