The Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society held a general business meeting on 6 November 2022. The meeting was held online via Discord, with no in-person interaction aside from folks who live together. All conversations took place via text cht in Discord. This is a quick-n-dirty Discord transcript of the TSFS General Business Meeting held on 6 November 2022, made on 18 November 2022 by Keith Lynch. All formatting has basically been lost. Meeting was scheduled to begin at 2 PM EST. Conversations effectively begin shortly before 2 PM. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From: "Keith F. Lynch" To: Dave Montuori Subject: Transcript of November 2022 TSFS meeting Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:37:03 -0500 (EST) [ Nothing new for ten days, and the con is just seven days away. So here's the transcript. -- Keith ] Welcome to #november-2022-business-meeting! This is the start of the #november-2022-business-meeting channel. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/04/2022 Sunday, November 6, at 1400. [12:41 PM] @Staff we'll try meeting Sunday at 1400 Diamond Mystic -- 11/04/2022 Marilyn Mix | Website -- 11/04/2022 I might not have internet connection at that time, but I'll follow up when I do Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/04/2022 Our internet (and TV and landline) are all totally down right now -- I'm on my cell to post this. Connection better be back up by Sunday morning or heads will roll. @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration Our internet (and TV and landline) are all totally down right now -- I'm on my cell to post this. Connection better be back up by Sunday morning or heads will roll. Diamond Mystic -- 11/04/2022 If it's Comcast, I believe their HQ location is still in White Marsh, MD, not far from The Avenue if I remember correctly. If that helps--I considered going in desperation years ago when I kept getting different answers and "solutions" from each differing department. None of which worked for about a week on end. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/04/2022 No Comcast here. This is a known outage, probably accidental caused by other utility and road work. They're hoping to have it back up and stable by this evening. 1 November 6, 2022 Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 I'll be here. Don't forget to turn back your clocks first. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Ahoy, mateys Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Boarders away! Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Howdy folks [1:59 PM] (Followup to Friday's post: internet connection returned late Friday afternoon while I was out of town.) 2 Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Yay! Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 I'm here. How do I make the extremely annoying animated multicolor ad in the lower left corner go away. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Nuke it until it glows, then shoot it in the dark. [2:01 PM] Honestly, I don't remember, the only ad I see is the banner ad for Nitro at the top of the window. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 I don't see any ads at all. I must have set something, but I don't remember what. Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 I got that last time. This time it's "NEW! Voice channel reactions" All I can figure is whoever's in charge is competing with Twitter to see who can lose the most users the most quickly. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Is there any form of an X in what passes for the upper right corner of the thingy? [2:04 PM] (I don't have what you're seeing so I'm really guessing in the dark here) Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 No. Never mind, it just went away by itself. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 Here as well. Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 If it never returns it will be far too soon. It's about as welcome as roaches running across a page of a book I'm trying to read. At least roaches aren't muti-colored, but are a dignified brown. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 @Keith Lynch Most of them. Some roaches I've seen actually were multicolored. Ewwwww. (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 And tasty, as long as they haven't gotten into any vermin-control material. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 So our esteemed TSFS President @Herveus | Con Ops actually appears to be online right now... DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 @Poryshkin | Con Chair "5. Dr G: let me know which of the two proposed time slots works best for you." Probably 1700. The concert is 2 hours, that ends it at 1900-ish and leaves an hour before TTS. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 TY; I had thought it was an hour +1/2, I'll make that adjustment now. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Are we going to be borrowing a screen from BSFS, or should I bring mine? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Oh, I meant to ask you about that; we do have a screen in the Chessiecon storage unit. Should Herveus bring that one? [2:11 PM] Stood on end, it's about 5' tall, I think DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Too small. I have a 70" screen, I think BSFS has some 80" screens. Are we taking a truck to BSFS to borrow stuff? [2:13 PM] I can check on the 80" screen next Saturday at the meeting. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Herveus is making two trips on Friday morning with his full-sized van. AFAIK, the only things Chessiecon will need from BSFS are the wheelchair we typically borrow, and the screen, if you want us to do that. Do we need to contact anyone at BSFS besides you to get acess/permission to borrow these things? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Probably best to send a note to Not like they are going to refuse you, but its good to be official about it. I'll make sure I have the alarm codes and that my key works Saturday. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 bod as in board of directors? or was that a typo for bob, or something similar? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 bod as in board of directors Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 cool beans, making that request formal now. 2 Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I'm also checking with Elne about who is handling accessibility issues this year. She might be delegating it to one of her offspring units. This may impact logistics vis-a-vis BSFS-a question I'm making explicit there. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Howdy! [2:31 PM] I was doubly distracted. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Salutations! (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Look! A Bag! Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Regardez! Un Singe! (This only really makes sense if you know the game Dead Money) (edited) DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Squirrel! Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Sorry about that. [2:33 PM] My Kia Soul (decidedly not a full-sized van) is what will be making two trips on Friday morning. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I'm also sorry there are squirrels in the world. Nasty, destructive, long-tailed tree rats. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 But on to the meeting. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Oh, I misunderstood. Yeah, with that, you def need two trips. But not the screen, as you've probably read. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 @Herveus | Con Ops will an 80" long screen fit in the Soul? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Alas, my Chrysler T&C is not available on Friday... Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 The usual first order of business is "schedule the next one". This would be the after-action review with possible extra saltiness this time around. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Actually, I can probably put an 80" screen in my Prius. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Birdhouse has a roofrack, right? (edited) Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I can put 8' boards in my car, and I have a roof rack. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 We'll make it work. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Yep. [2:36 PM] Next meeting: How about Sunday, 4 December, at 1400? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Works for me Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 AFAIK, I'm good for that one. Nothing else scheduled Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 I can probably manage the 4th at 1400, yes. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I've put it on my calendar. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 Should work for me Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 So be it. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 I have engraved it on my stone tablet. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I have written it on an unbreakable pact with the powers that be, using the blood of my enemies. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 So mote it be. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Rough plan for meeting: treasurer and con chair, followed by programming and departments. Website late. [2:40 PM] With that, Treasurer and then Con Chair stuff: go. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Um, looking through my papoers for where I wrote down that number [2:41 PM] Ha, found it finally. [2:42 PM] We have $5604.33 in the various accounts. This accounts for the two deposits to the hotel, based on prelim numbers for the convention. It does not include the renewal fee for the PO Box. [2:46 PM] Con Chair: First off, as you all are probably aware, we are getting to the point where the staff is majorly burnt out-there are four people that need firing from there present position, due to disparate issues preventing them from doing their jobs in a timely manner. I AM ONE OF THEM. There is also a fifth position that has essentially self-fired. We are also getting to the point where the convention is not financially viable. In short, unless we get an influx of people who can fill staff positions, AND a large enough fan base, this is most likely the last Chessiecon. Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 I think Balticon is gradually self-destructing. Chessiecon may get Balticon regugees. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Assuming we can somehow make the convention continue into 2023 somehow, remember that we do still have an outstanding contract with the Lord Baltimore, on which a non-refundable deposit of $1000 has already been paid. And my suggestion for GoH for 2023 is Sharee Renee Thomas: she has not been contacted about this yet. Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 refugees DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Keith has no idea what he is talking about re: Balticon. Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 Again, I suggest Stephanie Burke for next year's GOH. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 We may, and I've just talked to one of the people involved there, who has put a reminder in the Balticon mailing list about Chessiecon. We would need said refugees this year, though. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Can we get the Lord Baltimore deposit back? After all, they are the ones that blocked us from using it Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Keith, that's another viable suggestion, but again, it's assuming we can survive this year. [2:51 PM] Well, not technically-that comes under the force majeure clause in the contract. That's a completely different issue. [2:51 PM] Sorry, the second sentence was answering Dr G question Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 I'll repeat something I said, and also something I implied, in the October discussions. We got 100 regstrants at the door in 2018 (some of those were single-day of course). It looks like we'll need double that (200+) for the TSFS financial side to be close to viable for continuing the con. (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Ttat's good data to know, it does clarify the question for the wrap-up meeting in december DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Will we have all the hotel bills dealt with by Dec 4? We might not quite have the necessary data then Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 Have we considered GoFundMe or similar crowd-funding? It might work to an extent... If people know a long-running local con is hanging in the balance, we might see something from it. I know funding isn't our only hurdle here, but unfortunately staffing issues are easier fixed than financial half the time. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I suspect we will have a decent sense of the situation by then. At least enough to make a tentative call to be revisited in January. [2:55 PM] Staffing issues are pretty critical right now. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Which touches on another issue for this year: As some of you know, Square did us the favor of de-activating our account. The original reason that PayPal was linjked to our registration system was that, at that time, at least, Square didn't have a widget for linking things to our registration database. I'm not sure if that has changed. And the machination in re-activating the account are such that it just makes sense to open another Square account. The question is, given all that information, is it worth the effort to set up another square account? @DrGandalf Will we have all the hotel bills dealt with by Dec 4? We might not quite have the necessary data then Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 We might not have all th data by then, but we will have enough to know where we stand financially. Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 Is it still linked with PayPal? I've heard that PayPal has started reserving the right to seize and keep your money if they think you're a bad person or organization. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 The question is, given all that information, is it worth the effort to set up another square account? @Poryshkin | Con Chair Square is how we process credit cards at the door. @Keith Lynch Is it still linked with PayPal? I've heard that PayPal has started reserving the right to seize and keep your money if they think you're a bad person or organization. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 That's nothing new, actually. One reaon I keep my PayPal deadling to a minimum, and only through Visa or MasterCard. @Diamond Mystic Have we considered GoFundMe or similar crowd-funding? It might work to an extent... If people know a long-running local con is hanging in the balance, we might see something from it. I know funding isn't our only hurdle here, but unfortunately staffing issues are easier fixed than financial half the time. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Go Fund Me was suggested a while back, but I am totally incompetent when it comes to setting up that sort of thing, and given my massive health issues, trying to come up with a programming schedule, trying to work on getting 501(c)3 status (which still hasn't been finalized) for TSFS, trying to wrangle staff, and trying to deal directly with the hotel in the absence of a hotel liaison-the staff position who self-fired-I haven't had any time to deal with GFM. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 we should reestablish a Square account, either fresh or revived, whichever is simpler. [3:00 PM] I can lend a puck that does tap and chip cards. We have two. @Keith Lynch Is it still linked with PayPal? I've heard that PayPal has started reserving the right to seize and keep your money if they think you're a bad person or organization. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 PayPal has done that indeed, but they seem to mostly define "bad person or organization" as someone doing illegal activity. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I don't see that concern as a reason to run from Paypal. I can think of other reasons why I'd rather not deal with them, but that's not a real risk. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 PayPal at one point got quite a bad rep for pulling money out of people's account as soon as an eBay dispute was filed, and even after settlement was loath to give the funds back. Herveus and I both have a fair bit of experience with Square (can't imagine why ) (edited) @Herveus | Con Ops we should reestablish a Square account, either fresh or revived, whichever is simpler. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Then that' pretty much settled, it is worth it to set up a new Square account. We also have an offer of a loan of the nifty, printer-square terminals from WSFA/Discon III. They're currently in use at the World Fantasy Convention, I can figure out how to get them from WSFA next week sometime. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 As long as I can figure out how to use the terminals -- which shouldn't be difficult -- I'm good with that. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Even better. That smells like one more thing on Poryskin's plate as Treasurer. Can it be usefully done by someone else? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I'm good if Evan himself sets up the account with Square, my only input is that it should be linked to the address: [3:06 PM] Oh, actually one other thing: it would be good to find out if they do now have a widget that can link to the registration database. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Reactivating the existing Square account requires information to be verified on a phone call -- information I myself don't have, or this would be done already. Setting up a new Square account I can probably do myself, but will need bank account info for actually putting money into the bank. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Who will have the terminals after WFC? If it is someone likely to be at the BSFS meeting next week I can get them Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I can get you that information, NP. Will send you and e-mail later. @Poryshkin | Con Chair Oh, actually one other thing: it would be good to find out if they do now have a widget that can link to the registration database. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 They may, but if we do continue to 2023 we'll need a fresh database anyway. This was part of the Reg report. [3:07 PM] (The UPCOMING Registration report, to be precise) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I did try and make the phone call, but the information they absolutely insisted on has been lost. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 So we set up a fresh account. @DrGandalf Who will have the terminals after WFC? If it is someone likely to be at the BSFS meeting next week I can get them Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Bill Lawhorn is the one using them for World Fantasy DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 He sometimes shows up at BSFS meetings Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I don't know if he's passing them on to someone else when he gets back, or he's holding on to them. He is aware of the offer of the loan to Chessiecon. [3:11 PM] Back to the staffing issue: note that I said that the person who self-fired was the position of Hotel Liaison. In total, I have put out requests to 14 different people or venues to fill the position. No joy. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 I can handle hotel stuff the week of the con. Until then I have no bandwidth. I'm in a classroom three days a week doing some student teaching, and I've got my own classes the other two days. [3:13 PM] and while I'm enjoying the teaching, this shit is hard Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 It's probably unwise to try to hang hotel liaison on the same person as con ops. [3:15 PM] ...sez con ops. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 What needs doing about hotel in the next 2 weeks? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Well, OK, then I guess I'll continue to do hotel liaison stuff until the convention, and Yakira can handle it at con. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 room set ups need to be finalized Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I think we had a pretty good sense of the salons laid out when we had the walk-through. Craig Leigh took copious notes on that. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 yeah, they're all theater seating for the most part @DrGandalf What needs doing about hotel in the next 2 weeks? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Things like verifying our hotel block, any last-minute layout things that may change, security issues like when to lock up rooms, which means possibly talking to hotel security, how many keys we get to the function rooms (the usual these days with hotels is three-one for Ops, one for Liaison, one for Con Chair) @Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors room set ups need to be finalized Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I'm working on that today. 3 Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Do you have particulars on Larry Smith Books (esp. number of tables)? Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 social tables is a bit clunky but that may be user error [3:20 PM] I set up Sally with 4 tables 1 Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I was not able to edit the spreadsheet of vendors to put White Wolf and Phoenix in there, either. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 I opened the spreadsheet to editing Herveus Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Oh, Herveus: one of the things I want to point out: much of the stuff in the con ops allotment of Chessiecon equipment is extension cords: work with Yakira to figure out where we need to run these things from access points in the dealers' room to the vendors needing electrical access. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 rn only Chris asked for electricity Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Right, and vendors needing electricity will need to do paperwork with the hotel (and there's a fee). Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 I put her down the side with the airwall, but if the outlets are on the other side I can flip the room Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 spreadsheet says also Pendragon Cove Prfess Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 Pendragon has pulled out, a family event [3:22 PM] I haven't had a chance to update the spreadsheet Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I'm...tempted to comment ont hat, but I'll let the rest of you use your demented imaginations as to what my comment was going to be. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 I'm ignoring you [3:23 PM] I've had a few vendors asking if we have any idea what our numbers will be Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 That's what Evan has been doing such stellar work on-and I'm not being ironic here, he really has been doing stellar work. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 Should be in last (October's Meeting) meetings messages toward the end. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 The Reg side of the database now shows 55, including 5 vendors+associates, but last week went pear-shaped and I haven't done the rest of the rollovers yet. Gimme until late tonight for that? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 DM: speaking of things that are working, TYVM for the Mythic track programming, note that those are in the revised scheduling spreadsheet. But also, if you havn'et had time to go over the earlier e-mail, please do give that a look. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 I'm still estimating about 100 pre-reg (including vendors) when all is said and done. 1 Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Oh, another question, this time in regards to layouts: what sort of arrangement do you want for Salon E? Round tables? Rectangular tables? how many? Theater-style chairs? Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 What is Salon E for? Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Mythic Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 And of course, i general, the layout of the room can be adjusted, according to the needs of the item being presented-I just need to know what to tell the hotel to put in the room. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 At the walkthrough, we suggest a round table and a long table plus chairs in a vague arrangement. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Everything that will need a projector should be in the same room on any given day. @DrGandalf Everything that will need a projector should be in the same room on any given day. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Right, that should be Salon A for anything that might require A/V hookup. Though Mike S seemed to think you were using main tent for something? @Poryshkin | Con Chair DM: speaking of things that are working, TYVM for the Mythic track programming, note that those are in the revised scheduling spreadsheet. But also, if you havn'et had time to go over the earlier e-mail, please do give that a look. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 I have looked it over if you mean the one you sent me as per scheduling notes--I took that into account when arranging programming. @Poryshkin | Con Chair Oh, another question, this time in regards to layouts: what sort of arrangement do you want for Salon E? Round tables? Rectangular tables? how many? Theater-style chairs? Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 As to layout Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 OK, we'll go with current scheduling, then. @Poryshkin | Con Chair Right, that should be Salon A for anything that might require A/V hookup. Though Mike S seemed to think you were using main tent for something? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 No projection in main tent, only recording the concert Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 I'm in social tables rn, and I put a 8 top round and a 8' table in salon E, how many chairs should I put in there in stacks? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Ah, OK, I'll add a table to Main Tent for that equipment. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 I think theater style chairs should work out ok, 2 rectangular tables ideally? I think Salon E is one of the small of them from years past if memory serves. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 so you don't need the round table? or should I make it a cocktail table? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 I requested from Craig Leigh to have a couple of platforms at the back of main tent for me and the cameras. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 @Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors Not particularly sure what a cocktail table is, I can make do with round if that is already in, but think rectangular will allow for better use of space. 1 [3:43 PM] can we do 40 chairs for Salon E? I'm thinking just to accommodate however many might show up: I usually ballpark open presentations at around 30+ (edited) Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 We had asked Craigh Leigh to save the 8 foot tables for the dealer's room. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 We will also be having the memorial on Saturday, so I think 40 is a safer bet though overall. I think we already have electricity outlets in the salons, so that should cover being able to hook up a laptop for presentations? (edited) @DrGandalf I requested from Craig Leigh to have a couple of platforms at the back of main tent for me and the cameras. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Yes, when I talked to her, she got some signals crossed, and thought you were saying we needed two stages. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Salon E is rated for 40 people with theater seating. (I have the cheat sheet from the hotel) @Herveus | Con Ops We had asked Craigh Leigh to save the 8 foot tables for the dealer's room. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 I only used 5 8' tables in the end, the rest are the 6'x18" Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 For anythign but dealers, let's stick with the standard 30" x 6' tables. Taht's what's "officially" in the ocntract, and we're already exceeding our contract allotment. 1 @Herveus | Con Ops Salon E is rated for 40 people with theater seating. (I have the cheat sheet from the hotel) Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 Excellent: my memory really DOES serve lol! @Poryshkin | Con Chair For anythign but dealers, let's stick with the standard 30" x 6' tables. Taht's what's "officially" in the ocntract, and we're already exceeding our contract allotment. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 As long as I have one "large"(-ish?) table in E we should be set on my end. I'll adapt as necessary. @Poryshkin | Con Chair Yes, when I talked to her, she got some signals crossed, and thought you were saying we needed two stages. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Not two stages, but a raised platform in the back consisting of two stage platforms for the cameras [3:50 PM] Smallest stage platforms they have are sufficient @DrGandalf Not two stages, but a raised platform in the back consisting of two stage platforms for the cameras Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 OK, a standard table is insufficient? @Poryshkin | Con Chair OK, a standard table is insufficient? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 I need to stand on one of them. Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 Salon E set up in social tables is done. one 8' table at front of room with 5 chairs behind it, and theater seating for 40 - with a few chairs taken out of set up for scooter/wheelchair 1 @DrGandalf I need to stand on one of them. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Ah, OK, I'll make that note. @Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors Salon E set up in social tables is done. one 8' table at front of room with 5 chairs behind it, and theater seating for 40 - with a few chairs taken out of set up for scooter/wheelchair Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 REally, please 6' table, not 8' @Poryshkin | Con Chair REally, please 6' table, not 8' Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 got it Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 OK, I think remaing layout issues were the last of my issues. Con Chair issues issued. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 6' will do. This isn't my first rodeo setting up presentations and for that matter memorial/ceremony layouts: 8' will likely be needed elsewhere more pressingly and I don't want to exceed our allowances. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Oh, actually, I was wrong: Dr G, on the walkthrough, did Craig indicate how large the individual stage section are? @Poryshkin | Con Chair Ah, OK, I'll make that note. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 According to the equipment list they sent to BSFS, they have 3 4x8 risers and 16 6x8 risers. Two of the 4x8 risers would be good. Actually bigger than I need, but that's what they have. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 So noted, thanks. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 ...and not connected together. Need an airgap between them Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Naturally. We do have to give Dr G an opportunity to fall off. [3:58 PM] Seriously, though, thta is another thing I should note in the layout: Dr G, do you want them oriented side-by-side wrt the stage, or tandem wrt the stage? @Poryshkin | Con Chair Naturally. We do have to give Dr G an opportunity to fall off. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 One closer to the stage (the camera platform) and one behind it (the DrG and other gear platform) with a gap between. Make sure they do NOT connect the two. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 OK, will do, [4:03 PM] Tandem it is, gap. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 "Mind the gap" 2 Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Who's up next for issues? Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I think we've touched on Vendors and Registration in the course of things. Do either of you have more to add now? Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors -- 11/06/2022 15 vendors, over half are author vendors, with two others general book sellers Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Anything more from Registration? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Ayup Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Do tell... DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Antici........................................pation! Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 First, switching hats briefly to Secretary -- the September and October transcripts are available on my website. (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 TY! DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 that's 1 [4:13 PM] OK, back to Registration hat... I'll look into starting the Square account for in the early part of this week. [4:15 PM] Procedures for pre-reg checkin and at-door registration for 2022 should remain unchanged from 2018. [4:16 PM] We will want to check in vendors in the dealers room, correct? (edited) Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I'd think they check in at registration first. @Herveus | Con Ops I'd think they check in at registration first. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 That is correct. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 OK. Easier on me, anyway. [4:18 PM] Please note that I will be coming in from near Allentown PA on Friday morning. (Look up "Dorney Park" to get the general location.) [4:20 PM] GMaps says it's 121 miles, so I figure on 2.5 hours drive including a pit stop. [4:22 PM] It's perfectly reasonable expectation for my arrival by 12 noon, but we may not be ready for credit card at-door registration by then, as I expect to need a bit of time to get up to speed on the Square terminals. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 The schedule says that registration opens at 3. I would expect that vendors could arrive earlier to begin setting up. Coordinating that would be between Yakira and I, I suspect. [4:23 PM] Dealers room opens at 4. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Ah, I missed that. That's a change from 2018. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Vendors would also just need paperwork, not payment at the door. [4:23 PM] I suppose it could open sooner if it's ready. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Right. Same for all pre-reg. But I want to be able to get the dealers checked in as quickly as is feasible so they can start setting up. @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration Right. Same for all pre-reg. But I want to be able to get the dealers checked in as quickly as is feasible so they can start setting up. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Makes sense to me Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 I'll be showing up sometime after 3pm (likely 4 to 4:30pm) on Friday: I get off early on Fridays, but I can't afford to take the day off this year--no programming on Mythic until I believe 7 or so anyway due in part to knowing that ahead of time. If anyone needs to reach me until then use discord or more likely (for anything pressing) text me: 410-499-0176 Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 We could try to have someone at registration to handle vendors specifically as they arrive. [4:25 PM] That could be me or Yakira, conditions permitting. 1 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 My aim is to be there to get them badges and record badge numbers. If we have someone else with vendor packets or whatever, that would be awesome. [4:26 PM] Likewise guests, please make sure I know where guest packets can be picked up. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I'm intending to handle putting together participants packets; would include vendors packets. [4:27 PM] IOW, I shoudl have that ready for you when you go to set-up Reg 1 Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 There's a nice counter at the base of the escalatorthat should be perfect for registration. Like it was made for that function. (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Typically, registration needs more room that is available in the cloakd room (the counter you just referenced) [4:30 PM] Right now, I have Registration in the corner leading to the Ballrooms, with two tables, and two more tables available for registration overflow, freebies, etc. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 I don't see Registration hours on the website, are they on the actual schedule? I was figuring on opening at 0900 on Sat and Sun, closing at 2200 on Fri and Sat unless we know someone's coming in late. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Spreadsheet, Column E "Hunt Valley Foyer" Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Those are more hours than on the present schedule, but the spreadsheet can be adjusted. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Currently, registion is scheduled for 1500-2100 Friday, 1000-2000 Saturday, none on Sunday. Again, we can adjust if you want to, that's a departments where scheduling flexibility has little impact on the other departments. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 In 2018 we did get a handful of Sunday only registrations. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Sunday registration seems to be mostly to sell memberships for next year. That's a dicey proposition at present. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 (I remember fielding a panicked email on Saturday at the con...) [4:39 PM] But again, the only impact Registration really has on other department is for getting the hardware and the cash box out in the morning to open, and back in at close. [4:39 PM] That's probably me working with Con Ops. [4:40 PM] (Unless Treasurer wants the cash box overnight.) [4:41 PM] Speaking of cash box: remember seed money for change. Probably need a small amount of 5s and 10s. Probably don't need 20s to start, though having said that someone will try to register first thing with a C-note. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 The real reason I wanted the cash box overnight was so I could do a deposit Saturday morning; there was a branch of BB& T within walking distance of the old hotel. I don't think that's the case with the HV, although I should check. It would be nice to have the cash we get in a nice safe place, compared with any hotel room. @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration Speaking of cash box: remember seed money for change. Probably need a small amount of 5s and 10s. Probably don't need 20s to start, though having said that someone will try to register first thing with a C-note. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Yeah, it's on my list. Cash for change, also cash for hotel staff tips. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 There's a Chase bank and Bank of America not far form it Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Chessieson's Bank is um, it's not BB&T anymore. Um, [4:43 PM] Truist. I should look up the Truist branches. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 truist bank (successor to BB&T) in the shopping center across shawan rd [4:44 PM] 124 Shawan Road Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Well, then, that saves me the trouble of looking it up. [4:44 PM] TY Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 oh yeah, you actually can walk to that. Near Giant, though easier to drive of course. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 It's right next to the M&T bank, up front near the road. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 11330 York Road Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 But where to keep the cash box is a detail we can work out Friday of the con. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Right DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Right on the corner of York and Shawan, 3 min drive Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 I think that's all for me right now. Whew. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 That's a BB&T according to Google Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 According to Google: [The hotel is Delta] Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 The official name is "Delta Hunt Valley by Marriott" Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Is btt now Truist? (edited) Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 BB&T and Suntrust are both now Truist. There was this merger... (I have an account there) (edited) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 My experience, SSDD Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 I think the Truist on Shawan is a former Suntrust location. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Xfinity v Comcast. Right. 2 [4:51 PM] OK. Anything more from Mythic; anything from Music? Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 I think that's all I've got Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 OK. Thanks. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 I suppose it is Music: I have chosen the 2007 (Darkover XXX) Clam Chowder concert for Friday. 1 hr 52 min. 15 years ago. [4:54 PM] If you want to include that in the program listings Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Very much want to, thank you. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I don't think Gaming is here. So let's turn to Volunteers. [4:57 PM] And it looks like Marilyn's internet is not happening, so she can post here after the fact when she gets a chance. @Herveus | Con Ops I don't think Gaming is here. So let's turn to Volunteers. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 Was gaming one of the people who stepped down? Did we ever find a replacement? Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I think so, but I've lost track. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Gaming was not, and yes, we have a replacement. 1 [4:59 PM] There was a bunch of confusion about who was heading up gaming, so in the end, Steve B & Pyris are jointly heading up gaming, although Steve B is "officially" in charge. 1 Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Did volunteers fall into ConOps lap? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 No, volunteers is still Yakira Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 OK. Looks like she's gone offline. [5:02 PM] ConOps: I'll be making the first trip to the storage unit first thing Friday morning. In lieu of renting a truck, I'll be making two trips. If I had another reasonably able bodied person to help me schlep stuff from the storage bin to my car and then in to the hotel, I'd be grateful. I'll have room for a passenger. [5:02 PM] If I can lean on another vehicle on Sunday afternoon, we can make taking stuff back in one go. Keith Lynch -- 11/06/2022 I can do that if you can pick me up in Merrified. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Ugh, I hate winter's lack of daylight. Especially on overcast days like today. I just had to turn on the porch light to see my keyboard. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 At least you didn't have to turn on the keyboard to see the porch light. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I think I can arrange that, Keith. Thanks so much. I'll coordinate with you further. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 @Herveus | Con Ops when do you think you'll be getting to BSFS? Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Not sure. What do I have to grab from BSFS? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Two wheelchairs, and a projector screen. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Definitely after noon. With whom do I coordinate? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Me, I guess, since I have the key. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 OK. Let me leave timing vague for the moment. [5:08 PM] I'm also going to have to factor in helping my wife get the shop offloaded in the afternoon. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 I can carry whatever fits in a Prius Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Also note, that I do have an outstanding e-mail to Elne, asking if she or her delegate for accessibility would rather handle the pick-up of the wheelechairs & screen from BSFS. I doubt the answer will be positive. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 If someone has the storage space to hold the wheelchairs two weeks, maybe pick them up next Saturday before the meetings? I can probably take the 80" screen home. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I can hold them and may be able to get my wife to bring them up in the RV. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 I don't think I can fit two chairs and the screen in the Prius. Certainly not when I'm heading to the con with suitcase and A/V gear Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Meanwhile, BSFS clubhouse is right convenient to Old Line Spirits, giving me a chance to stop by there and pick up some fresh booze from the distillery. Bonus. 2 1 @Herveus | Con Ops Meanwhile, BSFS clubhouse is right convenient to Old Line Spirits, giving me a chance to stop by there and pick up some fresh booze from the distillery. Bonus. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 Sorry hope we're not all driving you to drink (well I guess literally you're driving yourself and Keith). Work hard, play hard? DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Can you stop by BSFS next Saturday? That would certainly make things easier on Con Friday Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 No, I can't. I'll be out of town. DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Oh well Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Old Line makes single malt whiskey and sells some really nice aged rum, too. 1 Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Rum? You just got my attention Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 We'll chat on the side. [5:18 PM] I think that's all for me for now. [5:18 PM] And I think that we are at a point where a motion to adjourn would be appropriate. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 @Herveus | Con Ops Just a reminder, Marilyn sent out an email to you and others concerning an email addresses needed--just wanted to be sure you got it with all that is going on. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Which email addresses are we talking about. I know I made the Instagram one. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 oh good, I hadn't seen the response, I'll check back thanks, that was it. Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 Excellent. [5:21 PM] I think we are done here, then. Thank you all for your time. We'll see you at the con. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 I move to adjourn Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 seconded Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 All in favor harumph. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 Harumph! Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Harumph DrGandalf -- 11/06/2022 Harumph! [upside down] Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 HARUMPF--and now, I'm off to make viryta (was planning it anyway but definitely after Herveus' OLS discussion). Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 We are adjourned. Marilyn may post some stuff here when she is able. [5:24 PM] But as to rum. Old Line gets aged Dominican rum from sumdood in Texas. It's minimum 7 years old when they get it. They bottle it at several strengths, including "Navy Strength" (67%). They also take some of it and put it in a whiskey barrel for a year, which comes out quite nice. They also put some of their whiskey in rum barrels. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 Half a minute Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 I've seen some of their stuff on the shelves elsewhere, do they make anything in the straight rye whiskey range? (edited) Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 No. It's single malt american whiskey. Or rum, in which I see they've rebranded their rum. I don't see the whiskey aged rum listed, but they've done some in a port cask. [5:28 PM] They're calling it "Case 1 rum" now. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/06/2022 I just checked-I picked up a bottle from a distillery in Rockville at the Mont Co Fair a couple of years back. Best stuff I've ever tasted. I'd be intereste din picking up a bottle from Old Line to compare. [5:29 PM] Right now, though, I should hunt down some supper. Food. For those of you who can't spell, that's P-H-U-D Herveus | Con Ops -- 11/06/2022 I'll have several expressions with me just because I can. I like to share my booze. Diamond Mystic -- 11/06/2022 Well g'night to you both, hell I'm tempted to say I might just save a bottle of the Dambrauskis family recipe for us at the con... i might just. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 FWIW: I've now rolled over all the vendors I hadn't gotten to before (except the one who requested a refund way back when). [6:14 PM] My list of registrants currently marked as "Vendor" is: Crone Girls Press, Crowning Beauty, Undiscovered Treasures, eSpec Books, White Wolf & the Phoenix, Larry Smith Books. If there are other dealers we know are coming, but for some reason have not made it into the registration side of the database, please let me know SOON! Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/06/2022 It appears that the rollovers are now complete. Current prereg count is 105, including 3 Guests, 8 Vendors+associates (6 vendors, 13 tables), and the remainder are marked as attendees. (edited) [11:10 PM] 17 of those marked as Attendee are not rollovers. [11:12 PM] I suspect that some folks marked as Attendee should be marked as Guest. I can fix that as needed without much trouble. For previous years we marked which people get guest packets; is that something I should be handling before Thanksgiving? (edited) November 7, 2022 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/07/2022 ...aaaaaand NOW I get the email from Crone Girls Press (sent on Saturday but apparently got held up for a couple days) saying they won't be able to make the con. Email forwarded to Treasurer(/Con Chair), @Yakira - Volunteers and Vendors , and the staff list. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 11/07/2022 Good to know. November 8, 2022 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 11/08/2022 Bare framework of the Square account for is set up. Includes 2022 at-door tickets as sale items. Setup still needs work, I'll need info from Treasurer in the next 1.5 weeks.