Minutes of the 2023-02-26 Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society Business Meeting

Date: February 26, 2023, 2pm

Location: Zoom, with side postings on the TSFS Discord channel #febuary-2023-business-meeting


Michael Houghton (Herveus), President
Marilyn Mix, Vice-President, Chessiecon Webmaster and Marketing
Fred Blonder, Trustee
Sam Hogan (Poryshkin), Treasurer/Chessiecon 2022 chair)
Dave Montouri (Evan), Secretary/Chessiecon Registration
John Weller
Eric Fleischer (DrG)
Keith Lynch
Yakira Heistand
Crystal Paul
Steve Brinich


  1. Treasurer Report
  2. Status of Chessiecon 2023
  3. Furure of TSFS
  4. Next Meeting

Next Meeting: April 15, 2:00pm, Saturday. Discord #april-2023-business-meeting

Called to order: 14:11 EST

Treasurer Report:
In various accounts, we have a total of $5,808.09. This is less than the outstanding hotel contractual obligations which stand right now at $6,107. We are paying the hotel $1000/month until we have paid what we owe.

The GoFundMe has stalled at $4,703. This includes off-line contributions. Goal is $11,000.

Ongoing TSFS expenses:
$174/month – storage room
$15/year – Hosting for website, email, etc.
$134/year – Post Office Box
Income taxes (TSFS is not a 505(c)3 organization)

DrG suggested that we ask the hotel to accept what we’ve paid so far. Non-commital reply.

Sam needs help from someone who knows how to do crowdfunding.


GoFundMe -- Sam needs to post an update to increase visibility. He also needs to give Marilyn and updated status to put on social media.

Chessiecon 2023
With the idea that we put on a mini-Chessiecon, Miriam Winder Kelly from the Baltimore Science Fiction Society proposed an inexpensive venue. [See transcript for who she proposed this to since she was not at the meeting] Roland Park Community Center would be available Friday and Saturday. It is used for worship services on Sunday. It has several meeting rooms and a kitchen. Herveus estimates it would cost $200/hour.
The main question is who would put it on? There was a consensus that not enough of the people present had the energy to do it. We would need new committee members. A mini-con would only draw local people. Also we don’t have any working capital.
Herveus: I think it's really obvious that we have neither the financial or human resources to even begin to think about trying to do that.

Motion #1: Reply to Miriam as follows:
After due consideration of the proposed venue of Roland Park Community Center for a Chessiecon 2023, TSFS has determined that we unfortunately lack both the financial and human resources to make this a viable operation. We would like to thank you for the suggestion, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us in the future, if you may have other ideas as to how Chessiecon or TSFS might move forward.
Motion carried

Motion #2:
TSFS does not have the financial or human resources to consider putting on Chessiecon 2023. Therefore, it is moved that Chessiecon 2023 will not happen. Further, it is directed that this decision be published on the Chessiecon web page and disseminated broadly across social media.
Motion carried

Future of TSFS:
Sam stated four options for the future of TSFS and Chessiecon:
1) dissolve the corporation all together, and everybody go their separate ways.
2) dissolve the corporation and try to reincorporate as essentially a holding company. This would give us flexibility in the future. To have Chessiecon at a different time of year. This will enable us to have a smaller, more dedicated group to possibly brainstorm suggestions about how to revive a convention.
3) we would dissolve formally and attempt to start from ground zero.
4) ??

Herveus read the mission statement from the by laws. Some people think the corporation itself is worthwhile continuing in a different form. We feel we still have something to offer the local SF/F community.

There was additional discussion, prompted by Keith, about why it is unlikely that a small convention like Chessiecon can recover from the pandemic. It was already declining before. The first Chessiecon was 2014. 2015 had 650 people, but we haven’t had those numbers since.

Perhaps Chessiecon can occur in a different format either virtual or at a different time of year. That would require fewer people: Still need a con chair, programming head, tech staff. Perhaps we can get help from the East Coast Convention Tech Crew.

It is urgent that TSFS reduce all operating expenses starting with the storage room. We won’t have a physical convention for a while so most of the items need to be disposed of or re-homed.
Storage Room: There is no complete inventory. Storage room rent is month to month, there is not a contract for a time period. Payment on the first of the month. Much discussion of contents and how to move or dispose of items. From memory:

We will keep the storage room at least through April 30.

Motion #3:
That the President draft a letter to the Trustees stating that:
It is the general feeling of the membership at large that it is worth maintaining the corporation in some format, but: it is not feasible to continue to hold a physical convention in the foreseeable future.

Motion carried

Meeting adjourned 15:56 EST


  1. Respond to Miriam’s venue recommendation for Chessiecon 2023: Carried
  2. Adjourn: Carried

New Action Items:

  1. Poryshkin: Post a status update on GoFundMe and also to Marilyn for social media posts
  2. All: Need to find someone who has an interest in leading the crowdfunding effort.
  3. Marilyn: Put Chessiecon 2023 cancellation on website and social media
  4. Herveus: Coordinate emptying out of storage room in the latter half of April. Use Discord channel

Action Items From January Meeting:

  1. Marilyn: Frequent GoFundMe reminders on social media
  2. Poryshkin: Frequent status updates on GoFundMe.
  3. All: Promote the Chessiecon GoFundMe through various means.
  4. Yakira: Call on Monday to find out if TSFS has any other obligations to the Lord Baltimore hotel. Report findings to the meeting Discord channel.
  5. Yakira: Ask BSFS Board of Directors for permission to use a Zoom account for the February TSFS meeting. Report findings to the meeting Discord channel.
  6. Herveus: Speak to trustees about future of TSFS/Chessiecon.
  7. Herveus/Poryshkin: Inventory the storage room
  8. Herveus: Determine steps for dissolving TSFS per bylaw