The Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society held a general business meeting on 26 February 2023. The meeting was held online via Zoom, with some side-channel discussion and crossposting via Discord; there was no in-person interaction aside from between folks who live together. This is a quick-n-dirty transcript of the ZOOM CHANNEL of the TSFS General Business Meeting held on 26 February 2023, made on 26 February 2023 by Marilyn Mix from the transcript provided by Zoom. As with any speech-to-text transcript there are unavoidable errors. [Some of which are hilarious. -Ed.] Meeting was scheduled to begin at 2 PM EDT. Conversations effectively begin at 1:54 PM, though there was considerable logistical discussion ahead of time recorded on Discord. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Edited Zoom Transcript 2023-02-26 TSFS Business Meeting Side chatter omitted [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:07:39 Are the who posted the agenda items. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:07:45 The only 2 things on the agenda. Alright! [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:07:51 Well, that was, that was the tentative agenda. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:07:55 But it's not a closed set. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:08:01 I mean a treasurer's report is probably in order as well. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:08:18 It's also kind of relevant to the items on the list. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:11:20 So let me call meeting to order. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:11:26 The agenda is very concise. For this month we'll have a treasurer's report. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:11:32 Which will lay out our financial picture, and then we will consider the question of Jessica 2023. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:11:46 Formally, formally consider that question, and. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:11:54 Then the ongoing survival slash status of Inc. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:12:04 If there are other items that should be on the agenda. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:12:09 We will, I will consider them. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:12:20 But that's seems to be really what we have to talk about today. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:12:28 So we'll start with the treasurer's report. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:12:33 So we all have a good picture of where we sit. Financially. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:12:43 Okay, various accounts. We currently have $5,808, 9 cents. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:12:54 This is less than the outstanding hotel contractual obligations which stand right now at $6,107. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:13:11 I was about to send another $1,000 check to them, trying to basically trying to pay it off $1,000 month a month until we can 0 that out. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:13:30 We have ongoing expenses of, you know, storage space hosting for website story spaces $174 a month. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:13:47 Hosting is $15 per year, and there are other things that are periodical expenses. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:14:03 We again are not a 501 c. 3. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:14:07 We do. Oh, taxes don't exactly have good memory of of how much that is yearly. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:14:22 To go fund me. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:14:25 Is considered taxable income, so that has to be added into the. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:14:33 In this consideration the go fund. Me! It's itself has completely stalled the last contribution to. I have. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:14:45 It is. I was dated 19 January. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:14:50 It's still has a total goal of $11,000. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:15:01 And forgive me, but I forgot to look up exactly how much of that is covered onto onto the the bill. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:15:15 So, and, I request to add, add all of these numbers into chat, so I can do that fairly immediately. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:15:25 Does anyone have any questions about any of these numbers? However? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:15:33 Yeah, I'm just okay. Quick. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:15:57 I took a look at the go fund, May, and it has raised 4,703. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:16:07 There was an entry of 2,091 credited to various people, offline. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:16:16 Yes, those were checks that I received at the convention itself. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:16:23 Yes, and there was another person. Give a $1,000 donation a couple of months ago. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:16:36 But we're yeah stalled. [Eric Fleischer] 14:17:16 Is sort of unlikely to get very unstalled at this point. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:17:24 Certainly without, I suspect that updates would probably be needed to get it to get it unstuck, as it were. [Keith Lynch] 14:18:00 Well, I said that I would post about it to records as a fandom the with the email list on the [forum]. [Keith Lynch] 14:18:11 I held off on doing so until after this meeting, so I'd be able to tell people whether they'd be another convention. [Keith Lynch] 14:18:19 So there may be a few more a little of money coming in after after I post. [Marilyn Mix] 14:18:33 Yeah. And if you had, you know, some kind of update statement that I could put on Facebook and Twitter as well, that might give it a little bump. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:19:36 Get you an update statement from from my Gmail account is that acceptable? [Marilyn Mix] 14:19:48 Yeah, either. Yeah, that's fine, or you can discord. Whatever's easy for you to get to. [Marilyn Mix] 14:19:58 You can private message me on Discord. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:20:25 Can, thinking ongoing expenses. I'm assuming that we still have a post office box, at least for the moment. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:21:05 100 it's in the range of 100 to 150 per year. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:22:39 But there's our financial picture. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:22:49 Is there anything more you wanted to add? Add? [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:22:59 Not directly related to, treasurer's report, but there's, of course, other things are. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:23:09 We then assumed to be moving on to. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:23:17 To [ChessieCon] 2023. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:23:20 Okay, I believe you got a message from email from Miriam [Winder Kelly] [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:23:48 With this suggestion for a first inexpensive venue. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:23:53 Assuming that we could have, and I asked her to send it to President at [Chessiecon] [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:24:31 Gmail's spam. There it is! [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:24:54 Essentially the like, I said. The point is for a fairly cheap venue. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:25:01 I don't know exactly how inexpensive. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:25:06 But she does. The suggestion is the Roland Park Community Center in Baltimore. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:25:17 There is a group that there's a series of groups that they'll hold church services there. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:25:23 So it wouldn't be available for Sunday but for Friday and Saturday. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:26:24 As a place as an inexpensive venue, where we might be able to hold a small chessiecon. [Crystal Paul] 14:26:49 Do we know what hours of the day they would be available? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:27:15 I'm just taking a quick look at their site. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:27:54 That at least their web page lists hourly rates for their rental. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:28:24 It's not clear what sort of? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:28:28 Hours. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:28:33 That I am not finding a clear statement on ours, but I suspect that they're not overly restrictive. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:28:41 But it would be a renting rooms by the hour. Kind of thing. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:28:55 And we're talking the, for example, the Fellowship Hall. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:29:08 seating capacity 200 for a meeting, 1 50 for a bank like 100 bucks an hour. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:29:15 They have a sanctuary they have a lounge. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:29:21 So the entryway, which seats 40 and 75 bucks an hour. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:29:27 They've got a kitchen for 30 bucks an hour. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:29:33 conference room [seats] a dozen for 20 bucks an hour, so. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:29:41 We're probably looking at. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:29:56 Probably 200 bucks an hour give or take of for renting the space, and we'd have to set up and invade, so it wouldn't be quite. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:30:24 If we were to consider having a much smaller. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:30:35 You know much smaller. [Chessiecon], a mini-con, if you will, to think hard about what we could track. Yeah. [Eric Fleischer] 14:30:42 I have a question. I have a question about that. [Eric Fleischer] 14:30:46 Why? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:30:52 That's a good. That's a good question. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:30:57 We received a suggestion from someone that. [Eric Fleischer] 14:30:59 Yes, we see. The reception from Miriam was really good at suggesting things for other people to do. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:31:09 And the question then is, and who's going to? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:31:12 Who's going to organize and execute such a such an event? [Eric Fleischer] 14:31:15 Bingo! [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:31:17 Yes, that is the essential problem. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:31:20 I decided to take a look at the site itself, to get a grip on what it might be a lovely site for a small convention. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:31:32 But how is this going to put one on? Who's gonna do it? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:31:40 And you know, you know I see that more human resources have come crawling out of the woodwork in the past since since the convention to bolster our ability to do things not we don't have any fresh blood showing up with an interesting trying to keep this thing going and we don't have. We don't have the working capital to do anything, either, and we're struggling to settle our settler obligations. [Eric Fleischer] 14:32:11 So? Why, why even waste any time thinking about it? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:32:15 So, having given it some, yeah, having not dismissed it out of hand. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:32:32 I think that I should write back to Miriam and thank her for the idea, and. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:32:39 Observe that even something like that is beyond the capabilities of. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:32:49 Does anyone object to that course of action? [Marilyn Mix] 14:32:54 I don't know. I was even thinking about maybe we could do relax a con, and even thinking through what it would take to do that it just kind of exhausted me. [Marilyn Mix] 14:33:06 So without any fresh blood, I [don’t] think we can consider doing anything like that. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:33:08 Right. [Crystal Paul] 14:33:13 We would not draw anyone except for local people, and given that, it's we can't do that weekend when most people have family obligations. [Crystal Paul] 14:33:26 We're not even going to draw many of the locals. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:33:37 I would. Well, I would. I would welcome a motion to, to to formalize what I'm proposing to do with this recommendation. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:33:50 Just, you know. So we have it for the record we have officially, you know, given it. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:33:54 Do consideration we're not just quietly blowing it off. [Eric Fleischer] 14:33:59 I moved that, having considered Miriam's idea for a mini-con, we have decided it's not feasible. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:34:07 I have a motion. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:34:09 I think I think I would like a friendly admendment to that reword it to say that just this, and [TSFS] lacks the resources to consider the idea Viable. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:34:10 Second. [Eric Fleischer] 14:34:13 Go ahead! [Eric Fleischer] 14:34:28 Sounds good to me. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:34:30 Okay. [Crystal Paul] 14:34:31 I propose, we say, at present, leaving the option to possibly re-examine the issue in a year or 3. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:34:43 I would rather not hang that string on it. [Crystal Paul] 14:34:48 Fair enough! [Eric Fleischer] 14:34:49 I'd rather not either, cause it's not gonna be in us in a year or 3. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:34:53 Right. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:34:55 I mean to look ahead on the agenda. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:34:58 The question after we settle Chessicon 2023 is what happens to with the with the expectation that we're looking at an orderly shutting down of the corporation. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:35:18 Because we're no longer viable for our purpose. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:35:24 But you know we will discuss that part further I don't wanna get into that part right now, but that's that's a little foreshadowing of what's next. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:35:33 So we have a motion, and a second to direct me to right back to Miriam. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:35:41 Then, and thank her, and pass on. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:35:47 Pass on the concept. These specific wording will get that straight. [Eric Fleischer] 14:36:16 Give us your words. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:36:21 You know. Type them in the chat or type them in the discord. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:36:25 If that's that. If you know those, either either of those places are a fine place to put stuff down because we do have the [Discord] channel is open and available. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:39:15 As to the proposal in general. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:39:23 Alright! It's in the [Zoom] chat. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:40:20 The proposed amendment to the motion on the floor. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:40:29 And we have a second. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:40:35 I vote. [Aye] [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:40:43 All those in favor say, say I, raise your hand, otherwise signify. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:40:50 [Aye] [Crystal Paul] 14:40:52 [Aye] [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:40:53 Anyone Opposed. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:40:58 Motion carries. Okay, I have an action item. Grab that text. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:41:17 Okay. And I will send that to Miriam. Surely after once we're done here like before I do much anything else. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:41:27 Okay. So the next question is. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:41:33 The status of 23. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:41:40 I think it's really obvious that we have neither the financial or human resources to even begin to think about trying to do that. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:41:52 And I think we should formally memorialize that state. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:41:59 As as a specific. Yeah, item of business. [Keith Lynch] 14:42:08 But before we do that there are cheaper venues than than [Miriam’s] [Keith Lynch] 14:42:17 If we're not wedded to November we could meet outdoors. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:42:22 Okay, that doesn't. Okay. Be that as it may. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:42:29 We do not have a glimpse of the human resources necessary to put on even a small [Chessiecon] [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:42:48 Even [if we did] we don't have the financial resources. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:42:52 We don't have the human resources, and we have no sane reason to believe that either of those conditions are gonna change, let alone both of them. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:04 And if we are going to consider trying to put on something that we can call. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:13 We need to be able to right now. Look at the general picture of how we're gonna do it. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:20 And the general picture is no, we can't. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:31 If somebody has a convincing argument [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:36 Yeah, I need to speak up right now and convince me. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:39 But good luck, and I think I'm speaking for speaking a number of people's minds on the subject. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:51 So what I think is in order. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:43:58 A motion to formally. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:44:13 To make it it to formally minute the fact that [Chessiecon 23] is not going to happen. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:44:23 I agree it is. It is not so. I will send. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:44:32 I was soliciting [a] motion. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:44:36 I think a motion is in order to say this thing. As President, I am not going to make that motion. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:44:43 Okay, I will make a motion, then that we formally recognize that sure it is not possible to hold [Chessiecon] 2023. [Fred Blonder] 14:44:57 Oh, may I make a suggestion that the motion include a decision as to where and when and how the decision will be made Public. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:45:13 That seems like a sensible. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:45:17 Okay. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:45:19 Amendment. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:45:23 In which case we can make it. We can amended to also include that. Shall promulgate this to all available social media, to the website, and to relevant mailing lists. [Crystal Paul] 14:46:19 I'll second. [Marilyn Mix] 14:46:25 I didn't catch the whole motion. What you're trying to say? [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:46:38 Let me restate the entire motion. Then. [Marilyn Mix] 14:46:48 Yeah, or type it into discord, whatever. It's easier. [Marilyn Mix] 14:46:59 That the Transcript isn't wasn't quite getting at all. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:47:30 I have. I have typed something into the chat that passes for a text of the motion. I welcome input on tweaking it. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:47:44 But I think it covers every it covers, it covers the we're not doing it. And we're gonna tell everybody which which is the essence of it. [Marilyn Mix] 14:48:03 Okay, I got that. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:48:18 Those are good words. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:48:35 Adequate captures. The motion, as I'm ended, and I believe I heard seconds floating around in the absent, you know, in in anticipation of suitable words, I think we have a properly moved and seconded thing on the floor. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:48:58 All those in favor signify in some recognizable way. [Marilyn Mix] 14:49:04 [Aye] [Crystal Paul] 14:49:04 [Aye] [John’s Phone] 14:49:04 Okay. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:49:09 Any one opposed. Hmm anyone opposed say nay. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:49:10 [Aye] [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:49:17 Hearing none. The motion carries. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:49:22 Okay. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:49:28 Grabs text to that and put that over here where I'm capturing things. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:49:38 And I guess, for disseminating it. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:49:43 Marilyn can put something up on the web page, and the web page will clearly be the place where it's the front page headline. Item. [Eric Fleischer] 14:49:55 I would include a thanks for all the years kind of statement in there. [Marilyn Mix] 14:49:59 Okay [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:49:59 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. [Crystal Paul] 14:50:02 Absolutely. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:50:06 You know I'm. [Marilyn Mix] 14:50:08 Yeah, I’m gonna have to do a little mourning more in the death of [Chessiecon] [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:50:16 You know it. It can be wordsmith further to to wrap, wrap the core message in in suitable verbiage. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:50:37 Anybody who wants to have input into that, we can probably just, if necessary, thrash it out on discord. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:50:54 Okay. And I put the text to the text in the Discord as well for the record. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:51:05 And that moves us along to the ongoing survival of [TSFS]. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:51:20 We have several options we can dissolve the corporation all together, and everybody go their separate ways. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:51:31 We could formally dissolve it, and try to reincorporate actually, as Essentially a holding company. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:51:49 Which, what, basically? [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:51:58 Possibly give us the flexibility in future to. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:52:09 Try to see what could be done as regards a Jesse Cond at all. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:52:18 You know. Same time, if you're a different time of year, whatever you know, a small. This doing something like that will enable us to have a smaller, more dedicated group to possibly brainstorm suggestions about how to revive a convention. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:52:48 Okay, another option is that again, we would dissolve formally, formally dissolve an attempt to. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:53:05 Start from ground 0. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:53:15 And there was a fourth option. I think that is typically available to us. That also escapes my my memory. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:53:27 Of these 4 options. Essentially, I would be favor in in. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:53:37 If we had to dissolve the corporation, go for option. 2, but honestly. [Keith Lynch] 14:53:54 Why does all of it at all? Why not just keep it going as it is? [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:54:00 That's kind of my feeling, that's but an obvious counter to that question is, Well, why do we exist? [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:54:14 In the first place, you know certainly. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:54:17 If I may. The bylaws start with a mission statement. this is an organization for people who are interested in Science Fiction. Speculative fiction, fantasy, and related genres in all forms. This is, primary roles are to provide a community interested in listed media and to a promote science fiction and fantasy, with particular attention to materials of invited women. Creators be provide forums for interested people and their friends to share their interest as Science Fiction and fantasy, and see promote science, fiction and fantasy within the general populace that's what I mean, and we have attempted to. We we have served that mission statement, if you will, by [putting on Chessiecon], which basically satisfies the mission statement. If we can't put on [Chessiecon]. How do we fulfill that mission statement? [Crystal Paul] 14:55:26 Following option, 2 would leave us the well option, finding other ways to do that in the future. [Crystal Paul] 14:55:36 The question is, what would the carrying cost be? Keep the organization notionally alive? [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:56:01 Tony, that would be my son, and pointed out last to me last month the this which had nothing to do with [Chessiecon], you know in his context that a number of conventions that he had attended in the past. That are of similar size, did not either did not survive the pandemic. In one case that he knows of, has determined that they are only going to be doing online. They didn't have the financial resources to be able to be able to put on a physical convention, and they felt that they would that they might have that. They might have enough enough people to do with it online. Yeah, to do something like that online. If we want to continue to fulfill the mission of [TSFS] going forward. They're right. We have. We have options. It's just a question of of do we have the people to do it? [Keith Lynch] 14:57:52 I'd like to point out that. Well, one thing no pandemic has ever lasted forever, and for another the turbine. Lots of cases where [cons] skipped one or more years and came back. Including Boston [Crystal Paul] 14:58:21 They have all had more in the way of personnel and resources than we have. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:58:29 And other friends of mine have pointed out to me very recently. Well, not to me personally, but in general, that a lot of the smaller [cons] that they've been going to have shuttered completely as a result of this. And again, that it does seem to be a function, a rough function of size. Yeah, conventions with upwards of 800 people. Seem to man. It seemed to be managing to survive in some fashion less than 500. It's a lot more, Dicey. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 14:59:18 And and we're not even up to that level. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:59:22 Yeah. [Eric Fleischer] 14:59:22 No, we. We were having trouble keeping going even before all this stuff started. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 14:59:28 Yeah, I mean, yeah, we maxed out, if I'm if my memory is, if my memory serves correctly. We maxed out at about 650 people in 2015, which was a number that we had never seen before, and we never saw again. [Zenlizard - Orange] 14:59:56 The year was 2013. My memory is is pretty much the same. [Eric Fleischer] 15:00:05 What was our first year as Chessiecon? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:00:12 Well that 2013 was the last Darkover. 2014, was the first Chessie con. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:00:22 Was the first formal test account. 2015 was the year that [Seanan McGuire] and [Ursula] That's a lot lot lot of people in, but lot of them didn't end up being repeat people. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:00:48 If we're going to take a step that leaves the Vestigial Corporation behind, you know, how is it going to be sustained? [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:01:14 If we move forward without a physical convention, but an online presence only. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:01:23 The 2 biggest expenses, hotels and the storage space. [John’s Phone] 15:01:36 Oh, potentially the [PO box] [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:01:44 The P. O. Box, I finally found the figures is $134 per year. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:02:13 It is a very minor expense. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:02:20 So it's a lot easier to sustain a corporation that. In under those circumstances. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:02:33 You know it's still still leaves us with the question of of the human resources to make that happen. But even those are considerably reduced. One would think, but you still go ahead. You know we still have to have a conchair We need programming, you know, need people to organize it. And we we need to [tech] staff We need the technical part about doing the online stuff. But yeah, those are potentially trackable things. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:03:27 Was going to follow up more on the storage space things in the storage space. Things like the art show panel, The crowd control stansions and posts. Couple of, or at least one obsolete, probably more than one obsolete computer that was usually used for registration. You know other craft supplies for workshops. Storage space for things like the registration Badges and those supplies, the volunteer and guest Gift. Archives, box. And oh, yes, and couple of old TV crts for video game room. All of that, and a couple of projection screens. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:05:14 Almost all of that goes away. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:05:19 So [Saria] mentioned in there. I can't be there Note that you know. there's video gaming stuff in there that is hers. And she wants to make sure doesn't go away inadvertently. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:05:37 But yeah, so, and we all have a bunch of T-shirts in there. Merchandise. Yeah, I mean, we got t-shirts and mugs, which are our perspective merchandise. You know, nominally saleable, [John’s Phone] 15:06:05 I inquired about the mug. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:06:12 Mugs are more problematic because I've always carried those on tax forms as not for sale. Is there business expensive? They are gifts. We'd either have to make purchases of separate mugs, or if we were to start selling the existing [inventory], I'd have to go back and file amended tax things which. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:06:47 Would be ugly and awkward. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:06:47 It's a pain. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:06:51 But the T-shirt. The T-shirts were merchandise. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:06:53 The T-shirts have always been carried as sellable merchandise. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:07:18 What were you mentioning? Oh, right personnel! [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:07:29 I do. I know Dr. Gandolf does. I think Fred does. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:07:34 I don't know how many other of you might also have contact. Have liaisons with East Coast Convention tech crew. There's, there's essentially a undertapped resource We might turn to for the ideas of possibly going forward virtually only. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:08:08 Yeah, I was reasonably confident that that was not a hard part of the problem. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:08:21 It needs to be covered if we're doing it. And but it's also potential way to get some other people more involved in the organisation. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:08:31 Yeah. But not this year. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:09:07 How much of the stuff that's in the storage Has a potential new home right? And and where might it? Where might it be? Stashed? I mean, you know the box, the box of of T-shirts. Is, could hypothetically live at someone's house. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:09:37 There are actually a couple of boxes. But yeah. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:09:50 The video game stuff that belongs to [Margaret] comes back here. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:09:56 The art show stuff. Honestly. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:10:02 We got those for from BSFS, for like a $100 way back, when there. And they were not expecting even that. But they graciously accepted it, because we decided we could not. Good conscience simply take it away. We gave them a token, a token, payment, and they accepted it. [Eric Fleischer] 15:10:33 I asked. I asked Dale if [BSFS] has any interest in having it back, and the answer is, No. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:10:39 Yeah, they they were so happy to have that gone. [Crystal Paul] 15:11:04 Yes, this is a question, for parish can primarily are these laws governing our corporation such that we could get benefit from donating certain items? We don't plan to use anymore to charity. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:11:26 That's that's always the case. But you know. I don't know who would want the pig. I don't know who would want the. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:11:44 Okay. You know the primary thing with that is getting it out of that space. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:12:36 Oh, yeah, I think that was actually only a couple of years, and we bought it (art panels] like. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:12:44 2017. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:13:15 There's a bunch of bits on hardware that somebody might have a use for, and there's a bunch of sticks, and there's a bunch of peg boarded panels, and then there's those the metal braces and. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:13:40 You know, I'm trying to think, you know. [Crystal Paul] 15:13:41 School schools, churches. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:13:47 Maybe. I mean it. The stuff was the stuff is reasonably well worn. It was well used, well used, and loved, and I mean frankly, in the long run. You know a dumpster may be the best answer, I mean, that's the ultimate. That's the old, that's the only disposition is we just pitch it because. You know it's it, is it? Bottom line, is it needs to get out of the storage space and. [Crystal Paul] 15:14:38 I'd say step one is an inventory of what we've got, and then anyone with ideas can start following up on. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:14:38 Okay. [Crystal Paul] 15:14:50 I've got contacts with. Surely the [BSFS] doesn't. One things. Possibly they might. [Eric Fleischer] 15:14:59 Dale [Arnold] said that [BSFS] might be interested in the pipe in in the post and chain things. The crowd control things. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:15:08 Oh, that's good! [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:15:09 Yeah. [Eric Fleischer] 15:15:57 But yeah, this is my might. Take those off your hands. Good. [Eric Fleischer] 15:16:12 Bye, bye, where is the storage facility? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:16:15 It's up in Gaithersburg. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:16:17 It's off Travill Road. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:17:02 It's 5, 84. Excuse me, yeah, 5, 80 for cube Spart Maryland is the official name of the business. 300 old Game Preserve Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2 0 8, 7, 9. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:18:36 Yeah, yeah, I, you know I have. I have the ability to take a bit of stuff And I could hypothetically take the boxes. The boxes are T-shirts, and stash them in my shed out back. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:19:00 Video game stuff. Margaret is out of town for another couple of weeks, so it would be. It would be only after that that we could get to the The CRT, and such. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:19:26 Let's see, and I think with the mugs we got like 3, 4, 5 boxes with mugs in them still. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:19:38 I think it's only 3. [Eric Fleischer] 15:19:40 Are we prepaid on the storage space for some period of time, or is it month by month? [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:19:46 I have it set up as an automatic payment month to month. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:19:54 The sooner we can get it vacated, the sooner we stop bleeding that money. [Crystal Paul] 15:20:01 If the T-shirts are to remain saleable, they need to be indoors, and climate control. [Crystal Paul] 15:20:13 We could take some of them. [Crystal Paul] 15:20:19 Your shed could be a good place for the mugs. [Eric Fleischer] 15:20:40 Does anyone have a access to a dumpster that we could dumpster the big board and such? And I don't think you can put that out with your household trash. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:20:52 In Montgomery County. Waste transfer facility is about 5 miles down the road from me. [Eric Fleischer] 15:20:57 That's true. It's right down the road from that same place. [Eric Fleischer] 15:21:00 Yeah, that should be easy. Just need somebody that's got a vehicle suitable. [Keith Lynch] 15:21:06 Is tech is. There's [peg] board recyclable. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:21:06 Yeah, I have a potential use. [Crystal Paul] 15:21:17 Probably not because it's a not even actual wood. It's a compressed composite. [Eric Fleischer] 15:21:58 It isn't recyclable. [Chemicals] Contaminate the wood recycling process and can add toxic chemicals to compost. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:22:09 I could potentially take the peg board I'm just trying to, but I don't. But I'm not certain that I would know whether I've got a whether I've got the space to put it down at an airfield until the end of March. And as reverse knows very well I'm gonna be out of town for 2 weeks in March. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:22:31 Right? Yup. So will I. Okay, so you actually, you actually have a hypothetical hypothetical use for. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:22:41 I have a I have a hypothetical use for it. It's just a question of I have to get down to your field and look at the space and say I can put it there until I can until I've got it until I have the ability to put it up. [Eric Fleischer] 15:23:03 Most of the damage to the peg board is bashed up corners, so if you shorten each peg board strip by a couple of inches on either end, you'd have some perfectly good pieces of big board. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:23:16 I remembered from the last time I saw it. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:23:31 Probably well, potentially, you know, I I can get the peg board into my car, and I could at least temporarily stash it at my house before it goes down to okay. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:23:41 Okay. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:23:43 I can stage it here. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:23:46 We we could triage it at your place until I can get until I could get it to Virginia. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:23:50 Right, you know, and pieces that are just completely, completely junkie. We can break them up into small enough pieces for me to put them in my trash. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:24:02 Okay. So the posts, as a whole mess of 2 by 2, with holes in them. [Eric Fleischer] 15:24:21 This was used a bunch of those before we bought the ones we bought, cutting them down and using this newel post for the for the stairs. [Eric Fleischer] 15:24:29 In the, in the BSFS building. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:24:42 You know again, I could hypothetically take them away and stash them, and if somebody wants some they can certainly have them. I can probably, you know, deal with them. Or to get them out of the storage, and I can. [Marilyn Mix] 15:25:54 If if you need car, we've got a Prius. They get loads of the lower, the seat back, and we can easily put, you know. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:27:40 So going forward. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:27:41 Going forward. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:27:45 Am I? Am I? Essentially, we're reading the room correctly. In that we have a general feeling of the The corporation itself is working while continuing in a different form. And oh, while we are probably probably okay. Issuing any future, physical or in-person [Chessiecon]. We still have, we still feel that what we have something offer the larger Science Fiction community and would like to continue the organization in some format. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:29:01 I I think that's a reasonable reading. [Crystal Paul] 15:29:04 Good. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:29:04 I think you know clearly there is not any movements to pull the plug on the corporation today. [Crystal Paul] 15:29:15 I like the idea of preserving options. If the cost is minimal. [Eric Fleischer] 15:29:20 Yeah, I mean, we. We can certainly get rid of all the physical attributes. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:29:25 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Divestiture or physical assets to the extent possible. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:29:30 I think is those seem to be called that that's my take on it. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:29:34 So! [Steve Brinich] 15:29:37 Yeah. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:29:38 In that case I would like to make another motion. That the President draft a letter to the trustees, stating that. It is the general feeling of the Corporation membership We would like to continue The existence of Offer the idea of a different format from the current, which is a physical [Chessiecon] In late November. This wording is intended to make certain that we still have the option of holding [Chessiecon] Possibly only online, and or possibly at a different time of the year, meant to keep our options open, not to not to limit them. Other than again, it's the feeling that we cannot hold a A physical Chessie con for the foreseeable future. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:31:06 Okay. [Crystal Paul] 15:31:27 I think that about sums it up. [Steve Brinich] 15:31:31 Yeah. [Eric Fleischer] 15:31:34 Then good, but we have any financial resources whatsoever. Once we finish paying off the hotel, and as a sort of a corollary to that, have we? Just is. Have we tried to talk to the hotel and saying, Hey, we're we're running out of dough here, can we? Make a deal with you to not pay the entire money, and maybe, will you accept what we paid so far, or something like that? [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:32:05 The the audit that was undertaken at the by the hotel. At our request, did do somewhat towards that it reduced it from basically from 11,000 to around 9,000. I have not talked to them about reducing it further. There is Another option besides the go fund. May that I have not explored yet, and that is the option of possibly soliciting other [science] fiction convention organizations for a grant. Of monies. This is where $1,000 of the go fund Me came from? I was asked specifically by by the treasurer of the Baltimore Washington Science Fiction Society. That put on DC In 2021. The world[con] that was here, anyway. Yeah, so that is an option. Well, that particular one is no longer an option, because they have already contributed. But there are others. I will remind people that a lot of the initial funding for holding putting together an organization organization at all came from Arisa way back. You know, 10 years ago. So my inclination would be to try to A) try to figure out how we could revive the the go fund Me and or B) in conjunction, see if we could find another avenue of funding. Before we try to go to the hotel and say we're completely screwed, and we can't pay you what we owe you. [John’s Phone] 15:34:46 Yeah. [Eric Fleischer] 15:34:51 I'm mostly thinking, in the sense that that if we do wish to continue the corporation, we need some amount of money. It's good. We've got to pay for the Po box, and whatever whatever do hit things we have to pay for, we need something. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:35:00 Right. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:35:08 If somehow we could get the the go fund, me completely funded. That would go a long way towards providing a whole bunch of future capital. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:35:26 Yeah, even just half of. [Marilyn Mix] 15:35:28 If we can update the [GoFundMe] with our current plan. If this is how we're going to continue going forward. I think that will to get some more interest in it. I was also wondering if we can offer the T-shirts or mugs as premiums for donations, or something like that. [Crystal Paul] 15:35:52 That would rate that would incur postage costs which are substantial and getting worse. [John’s Phone] 15:35:52 Awesome. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:36:01 Yeah. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:36:02 Hmm! [John’s Phone] 15:36:03 We tried other crowdfunding sources, such as kickstart, I mean, worded this way for trying to put on new convention online, only going forward even a small amount such as the 1,000 we need or so might be doable on Kickstarter possibly. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:36:18 I I honestly have not personally investigated that I'm not. [Eric Fleischer] 15:36:19 Don't you actually need a thing if you're gonna Kickstarter? [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:36:29 I have little little competency when it comes to crowdfunding honestly. In other words, I'm I'm not discounting it, but I don't know how to do it. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:36:55 Right. So there was a there was a motion proposed and I need to capture a suitable text of it which I have not done. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:37:10 Ideally, it will be hiding in the Transcript, which I wasn't looking at, so I don't have that in front of me. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:37:19 I could try to restate it. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:38:45 I'm also typing this in chat so that people can. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:40:31 Okay, I'm gonna capture that text over here where? [Eric Fleischer] 15:40:40 I'll second that if it doesn't been seconded already. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:40:41 I hadn't noticed a second. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:40:49 All those in favor signify by something affirmative. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:40:53 Hi! [John’s Phone] 15:40:55 Hi! [Crystal Paul] 15:40:57 I! [Eric Fleischer] 15:40:58 Hi! [Steve Brinich] 15:40:59 I! [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:40:59 Anybody opposed, say, day. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:41:03 Hearing none. The motion carries. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:41:08 Okay. And I have put some. I've tried to put the text for the motions in the discord channel for this meeting as well, so that it's that's less ephemeral than the Zoom Chat. [Steve Brinich] 15:41:10 Cool. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:41:25 Somebody should be kept. Somebody should save the transcript from the meeting, for the record. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:41:35 No [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:41:37 And yeah, Marilyn, as Vice President will, can use that to prepare minutes. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:41:49 Notice she. She is fit, and we'll have all those boxes ticked. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:41:53 Okay. I think we have gotten through everything that was on the agenda. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:42:03 And I thank all of you for showing up here and participating, and I believe that it is appropriate. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:42:16 At this time to entertain a motion to adjourn, cause. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:42:21 Okay. Dave Montori raised a question in chat. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:42:23 Yeah. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:42:26 Do we have a date for the next meeting? [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:42:27 Is, do we need a next meeting? If so, when? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:42:27 We did. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:42:34 April. Honestly. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:42:37 Unless we are going to do something with bylaws. We are obligated, you know. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:42:46 Once per quarter. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:42:51 We need to meet once in April, May, June, so we don't have to meet April at the soonest. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:43:07 The first weekend, looking forward personally, the first, the first weekend day that I don't have something already tying me up is April ninth, which is Easter. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:43:29 It will be worthwhile to actually meet in April, or can we stall a bit longer? [John’s Phone] 15:43:37 I can go to mine. [Eric Fleischer] 15:43:38 We, we can probably cover most of what needs to be covered in on discord or in email. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:43:45 Yeah, May. We certainly don't need to meet on Zoom. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:43:48 No, but of course we there's Balticon at the end of May, so if we push it to May earlier, May is better. [Crystal Paul] 15:44:00 I think, given the way most people's lives are working, April would be better for most people. [Crystal Paul] 15:44:06 Than May or June. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:44:13 April 15, April 16, which is orthodox. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:44:18 Easter, or the 20 s, or the 20 third. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:44:29 I don't know if I've got basically anything later in April is good by me. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:44:34 Does anybody have any kind of preference for Saturday versus Sunday? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:44:40 Any strong feelings. [Eric Fleischer] 15:44:42 Any of those are okay by me. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:44:44 Yeah, I have to remember. I am vaguely remembering that I've got that that I'm tied up on one of those weekend days in April, but I can't for the life of me remember which one. [Crystal Paul] 15:44:45 Likewise. [John’s Phone] 15:44:47 As long. [John’s Phone] 15:44:50 What's up? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:44:57 Okay, yeah, you usually the agenda starts out. [Keith Lynch] 15:45:06 One comment is, I don't know if anybody is going to it. [Keith Lynch] 15:45:11 I'm not. But Raven Con is April 20,[-23] [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:45:14 Okay. Well, how about Saturday, April fifteenth. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:45:23 2 o'clock. [Eric Fleischer] 15:45:23 Work on our work on our taxes while we talk. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:45:24 Oh, that's that was I thought that was orthodox Easter. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:45:32 That's orthodox Easter is. The next day. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:45:37 So this is Saturday of orthodox Easter weekend, but I I mean I mean. [Crystal Paul] 15:45:44 Are any of us going to celebrating orthodox Easter? [John’s Phone] 15:46:12 I'm fine with the fifteenth. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:46:17 Okay. Okay. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:46:19 Yeah, right? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:46:23 And let's let's meet on discord. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:46:31 2 o'clock. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:46:34 Yep, let's see here, go and discord create a channel. [Marilyn Mix] 15:47:23 Do we need to have any official motions for disposing of things from the storage room, or that implied by the one we passed since you're not having physical convention. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:47:36 I think it would be catches. Catch can for disposal was the preferred procedure. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:47:56 If it would be good. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:47:58 We could have a motion that that directs. [Marilyn Mix] 15:48:02 Yeah, I'm I'm just. Gonna I'll just put a note in the minutes that we discussed disposing of things from the storage room. But I just didn't know if we had to have any kind of official motion that everyone agrees that we should. Our disposing of thing is that. Hey? Given the differing schedules? I don't think there's, you know there's a formal proposal. [Marilyn Mix] 15:48:27 Okay. [Eric Fleischer] 15:48:37 Who who has, who has the keys to, so to speak. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:48:44 I have given the access to codes and combinations to our I have them. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:48:52 I have also given them to you. Can. Herveus you know these are all in the in case I get hit by a bus. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:49:05 Right. It's a combination lock on on the ban, and it's just punching a funny code to open doors and make the elevator go up so. [Eric Fleischer] 15:49:05 You just need code. [Marilyn Mix] 15:49:17 Do we have a timeframe that we decided on for emptying the. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:49:24 Again wildly varying schedules. [Marilyn Mix] 15:49:25 Okay. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:49:28 asap, subject to the availability of people to go haul stuff out of there. [Eric Fleischer] 15:49:34 It is then you said that it's renewed monthly, is it? [Eric Fleischer] 15:49:37 Monthly by the month, or is it monthly by on the fifteenth, or something like that? [Eric Fleischer] 15:49:41 When is it? When is the renewal? Date? [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:49:43 It's a calendar. Month renews on the first. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:49:45 Okay. [Eric Fleischer] 15:49:46 Okay. So maybe we should say, let's try to get everything out. [Eric Fleischer] 15:49:48 By April thirtieth. [Crystal Paul] 15:49:49 Yeah. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:49:49 That would be good let's capture that in the minutes I'm yeah, I don't think I don't think we need a formal motion on that [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:50:02 Certainly. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:50:06 I believe that I would have space to go up there and do things in the latter half of April. We can coordinate this on the discord. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:50:30 Yeah. [Crystal Paul] 15:50:31 Yeah, maybe closer to your wed seats. You put probably call for people to come and help take things. [Crystal Paul] 15:51:08 Also the also even defunct, even obsolete computers would be welcomed. [Crystal Paul] 15:51:14 Do by some program that provides them to low income kids. [John’s Phone] 15:51:24 That's and it's possible to. You can get that to some place that buys, you know. [John’s Phone] 15:51:28 Scrap parts, basically, and just get private that way and get money from it. But yeah. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:51:51 Yeah. So we we can work on holocaust, getting getting space emptied out and. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:52:00 I I have elbow room to to stage things here, pending a better disposition. [Keith Lynch] 15:52:33 There is a Us computer store in Beltsville. They might be willing to buy the old Pcs. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:52:40 Nope, we can. We can hold that thought bottom line is we can get the stuff out of there and stop paying the rent on the space and getting getting it empty. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:52:44 Yeah. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:52:53 By the end of April seems to be feasible. [Crystal Paul] 15:53:03 Okay, we do have cats, but we also have a room where the cats are not allowed. So possibly we could. We could take at least one with them. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:53:12 [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:53:27 Yeah, yeah, I think there are only 2. One is just has T-shirts and hoodies, and the other has T-shirts and hoodies for the fan table. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:53:40 Oh, yeah, there's some fan table stuff in there, too. I forgot about that tablecloth. [Crystal Paul] 15:53:46 Well given I would. It would be feasible, but not great for us to take them all. But, as you point out, they should be kept together, so if no one else can. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:54:27 In the short term, while we better dispose of things and sort of have things in a place where photographs can be taken of the piles of stuff in a way that will make it easier to see what we're actually talking about as we try and. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:55:03 A couple of visits there in a latter part of April might to haul stuff away. And well, coordinator, let us coordinate on the discord. Maybe we'll make a channel that is storage bin so we can discuss that to sort out the. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:55:23 Who's showing up when and who's showing up when, and that? [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:55:33 Got it sound like a plan? [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:55:36 Yeah. I think it's much better than then trying to hash everything out in detail here. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:55:37 Yes. [Crystal Paul] 15:55:38 Agreed. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:55:46 No, we've been at this for 2 hours, and I think we've I think we're done. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:56:13 Anyway, I was about to make a motion that we adjourn. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:56:19 I have a motion. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:56:21 I have a second. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:56:21 Second. [Crystal Paul] 15:56:23 Yeah. [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:56:27 Oh, okay. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:56:28 Well! [John’s Phone] 15:56:30 Hey! [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:56:31 We have, we. We have all right and proper motion to adjourn, and it has been seconded. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:56:40 All in favor, Harump! [Steve Brinich] 15:56:41 Our room. [Zenlizard - Orange] 15:56:41 Oh, Rob! [Crystal Paul] 15:56:41 Problems [John’s Phone] 15:56:42 Hey! Rams! [Dave Montuori (Evan) Sec, Reg] 15:56:42 Haram? [Eric Fleischer] 15:56:46 Interrupt, against. [Herveus/Michael Houghton (President)] 15:56:47 Thank you very much. We are