Minutes of the 2023-04-15 Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society Business Meeting

Date: April 15, 2023, 2pm

Location: TSFS Discord channel #april-2023-business-meeting

Michael Houghton (Herveus), President
Marilyn Mix, Vice-President, Chessiecon Webmaster and Marketing
Sam Hogan (Poryshkin), Treasurer/Chessiecon 2022 chair)
Dave Montouri (Dave/Evan(damont)), Secretary/Chessiecon Registration
Eric Fleischer (DrGandalf)
Keith Lynch


  1. Next meeting
  2. Treasurer Report
  3. Storage Room clean out
  4. New Business

Next Meeting: August 19, 2:00pm, Saturday. Discord #august-2023-business-meeting

Called to order: 14:05 EDT

Treasurer Report:
In various accounts, we have a total of $5,536.43. in the various accounts. The outstanding hotel bill currently is $4,107.00. The Go Fund Me has been funded to a total amount of $7,178; this includes a recent Grant from DISCON 3 of $2,000.
Income taxes will be filed.

New Business:
1. TSFS Income Source:
TSFS is setup as a dues-driven organization. Part of the tax picture is that the State of Maryland does tax us on saleable assets-the few t-shirts that we have. And they inquire as to how the organization is funded in the absence of selling inventory.
When we sell a membership to our convention, what we are legally doing is collecting dues from members: and the right of paying dues is the right to attend the convention we put on every year. What is TSFS source of income where there is no convention to attend, like this year?
Asking people to fork over $45-$60 in the absence of holding a convention is not viable.

Q: What is our annual operating budget once the storage room is released?
A: That depends on the tax return. Ball-park: $200/year (See last meeting minutes for breakdown)

Tax year is the calendar year.

Motion #1:
Made by Poryshkin, Seconded by Dr Gandalf

In years when TSFS cannot or does not hold a Chessiecon, the dues shall be set to $20. Annual Membership dues to be paid by 1 December of the year in question.

Motion: Carried

Payment can be made through Paypal: chessiecon@paypal.com, check to TSFS, or email registrations@chessiecon.org to request an invoice via Square. (For payments that incur processing fees, the invoice amount will be $21.)

Publicize through mailing list, social media and website. Poryshkin mentioned the MailChimp list needs some maintenance, but could be used.

2023 Website:
Marilyn stated that we currently do not have a website for 2023 since we aren’t having a convention. So we don’t have a place to post the notice about annual dues. She had added the messages for the financial issues to the top of the 2022 home page. Herveus agreed that we should create a separate website for future TSFS status and announcements. Marilyn will ask Jo Hogan to create a new Word Press instance, then restore the 2022 site to state it had during the convention, for posterity. She will move the TSFS announcements to the new 2023 page and add the Membership Dues notice. Come up with a banner illustration, such as a sea monster tail disappearing into the water. Herveus agreed it is not urgent. Due mid-summer. Since Marilyn is Balticon webmaster and will be preoccupied.


1. Emptying the store room:

  1. Dr G will pick up the stanchions for BSFS on Wednesday
  2. Several people will remove more things on Saturday. See #empty-out-the-storage-bin channel for status and coordination.
  3. Video gaming equipment including a screen belongs to Saria.

Meeting adjourned: 16:00 EDT


  1. TSFS Annual Dues for years without a convention: Carried
  2. Adjourn: Carried

Action Items:

  1. Marilyn: create new website instance for 2023, due: mid-summer
  2. Marilyn: Post about dues on social media
  3. Dave/Poryshkin: Update MailChimp email membership list and send a message about Dues.
  4. Various: empty the store room; plan to release it April 30

Action Items from February meetng.

  1. All: Need to find someone who has an interest in leading the crowdfunding effort.

Action Items from January Meeting

  1. Yakira: Call on Monday to find out if TSFS has any other obligations to the Lord Baltimore hotel. Report findings to the meeting Discord channel.