The Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society held a general business meeting on 7 January 2024. The meeting was held online via Discord, with no in-person interaction aside from between folks who live together. All conversations took place via text chat in Discord. This is a quick-n-dirty Discord transcript of the TSFS General Business Meeting held on 7 January 2024, made on 7 January 2024 by Keith Lynch. All formatting has basically been lost. Meeting was scheduled to begin at 2 PM EDT. Conversations effectively begin at 1:58 PM. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From: "Keith F. Lynch" To: [multiple recipients] Subject: Transcript of January 2024 TSFS meeting Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2024 16:26:29 -0500 (EST) # january-2024-business-meeting This is the start of the #january-2024-business-meeting channel. December 17, 2023 Herveus | Con Ops -- 12/17/2023 2:07 PM Sunday, 7 January, at 1400 ET. January 7, 2024 Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 1:40 PM T minus 20 minutes... Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 1:58 PM Agenda: Next meeting date Review action items from past meetings Officer Elections Officer Reports Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 1:58 PM I'm here. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 1:59 PM spleen DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 1:59 PM [eye] Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 1:59 PM Present Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 1:59 PM Adsum Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:00 PM Before we start, a question of Marilyn: What did your email about my transcript say? It was lost due to size Saria | Videogaming, Website -- 01/07/2024 2:00 PM here-ish Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 2:00 PM Acknowledged that I'd receivedd it. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:01 PM Thanks. I won't ask why the acknowledgement was somehow the size of a Tom Clancy novel. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 2:01 PM unknown Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:02 PM Computers are weird. SOmetimes really weird. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:03 PM Howdy y'all. Let's get this under way. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:03 PM Gopher it Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:04 PM Next meeting date: per the bylaws, we have to meet sometime in the next quarter, which would be April/May/June. I'm not aware of any reason why we would need to meet sooner at this time. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:04 PM April would probably be good, for those of our member who are also dealing with Balticon. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:05 PM Please avoid conflict with the April 8 eclipse Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:05 PM OK. Are there any other constraints on April? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:05 PM I was about to look that up (eclipse) myself. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:05 PM Not for me DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:06 PM 13, 14, 27 and 28 not good for me Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:06 PM I intend to be in the totality belt for the eclipse. AFAIK, the rest of April is fine with me at this time. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:06 PM 21st? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:06 PM 8 April is even a Monday, I note. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:06 PM That still leaves 20, 21 as usable dates. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:06 PM (Easter is March 31 so that doesn't interfere) Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:07 PM 21 April (Sundayu) is proposed. ANy objections? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:07 PM Not before 2pm ET on a Sunday please Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:07 PM 21 is even the 106th Anniversary of the death of Manfred von Richthofen, nicknamed the Red Baron. Seems a perfect excuse to have a business meeting. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:08 PM [musical notes] "10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more..." [musical notes] Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:08 PM Channel created. Notable event noted. Open action items: Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:10 PM OK, then as far as action items uncompleted: Even, when would be a good time for us to sit down aobut the mail chimp list? Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:11 PM As I've said before, many sites probably block Mailchimp as a major spam source. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:12 PM Yeah, but it's still our best source for mass mailings, on the rare occasions we send those out thesee days. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:13 PM Just so long as you have a workaround for those who don't or won't get mailchimp mailings. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:13 PM Anything else involves a complex process of recreating mailing lists, checking against past remove requests, and the llike. Using mail chimp only involves the latter step. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:14 PM Tony is in town the next few days, so today through Tuesday are mostly bad for me. More generally, 18:30 (6:30pm) is generally dinner time here, but before 6pm or after 8 things are workable ALso, mornings tend not to be the best. Beyond that it's a case by case basis on when somebody has a doctors appointment. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:16 PM If necessary, and IF I have access to the actual mailchimp list, I can send the occasional email out to lots of folks voa Gmail, as I did for virtual Chessiecons in '20 and '21. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:17 PM OK, we can work this stuff out by DM later. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:18 PM Sounds good to me. I just don't want the next Chessiecon (if there is one) to fail because of low membership, only to then have lots of people say they would have come but hadn't gotten the announcement. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:19 PM A not unreasonable worry. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:20 PM I think the only other open item was the need for someone with an interest in leading the crowdfunding effort. I think that can is getting kicked down the road again. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:20 PM If the crowdfunding effort was to cover the hotel costs from 2022, that's been dealt with. If it's for other reasons we should probably articulate them and publicize them. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:21 PM Did we want to talk about sponsoring some program items at Balticon or Capclave? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:21 PM Looking at the minutes, Ithat Marilyn sent to me a couple of days ago, there's still talking to the Lord Baltimore, which I did, but I'm not sure if I spaced on notifying people-did I mention that, or is that still "open" ? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:22 PM Nobody has said anything about that where I could hear/see it. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 2:22 PM We can mark that as closed in the minutes for this meeting Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:24 PM OK, well, then for Justin: Lee was still making inquiries about a possible Chessiecon at LB: I let him know that it wasn't, and that was really the only issue in that regard. We (Chessiecon) still have a cordial working relationship there, in the unlikely event we can hold an in-person Chessiecon "sometime" in the future. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:25 PM OK. I think that covers action items. Next up is Officer Elections. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:26 PM What about sponsoring some program items at Balticon or Capclave? We need to do something now if we want to do it at this year's Balticon Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:26 PM WRT officer elections: Dave, who are our current Trustees? I talked to several people about possible VP, and the only one even vaguely interested was Marc, but he was under the impression that he's a Trustee (and thus, CANNOT also be an officer) Is that the case? Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:27 PM The nominees from last meeting: President: Michael Houghton (Herveus) Vice President: TBD Secretary: Dave Montuori (Evan) Treasurer: Sam Hogan (Poryshkin) Trustee term ending in 2027: Joanna Dionne Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:27 PM IIRC, the current Trustees are Marc Drexler, Fred Blonder, and Joanna Dionne who is up for re-election today. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:28 PM Probably best to work that out after officer elections, certainly worth talking about. Ah, so yes, OK, I'll see if I can tap a couple of other potential people. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:28 PM Marc was elected in 2022. So he's not presently available to be VP. OK. Are there any further nominations from the floor? Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:29 PM I'm willing to be VP if I'm eligible. And if the job doesn't require driving. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:29 PM Keith, I'm about to DM you about that. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:30 PM The principal duty of the VP is to take minutes of the meetings. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:30 PM I can do that. But isn't that the secretary's job? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:30 PM Not according to the bylaws. (I wouldn't have taken secretary if taking minutes was part of the job. I suck at that, and am aware of it.) Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:31 PM Reading the bylaws is a useful exercise. Seriously. The secretary is more fully the "Corresponding Secretary". Not the "Recording Secretary". One must be a voting member of TSFS in good standing. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:33 PM I don't know whether I'm a voting member of TSFS in good standing. I haven't paid anything except for attending Chessiecon. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:33 PM Since we went to online meetings in 2020, deriving minutes from the Discord transcript has been pretty much standard. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:33 PM And I've been careful never to vote in these meetings. I've been emailing the transcripts, and will continue to do so whether I'm VP or not. (Unless someone demands I stop.) Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:35 PM (VOting) Member in good standing is defined as "paying memberships dues, having attend X numbers of meetings (x= 2?), and stating intent to become a voting member, and not being kicked from Chessiecon/TSFS for cause. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:35 PM Specifically, "indicated in writing to the corporation a desire to become a voting member". Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:36 PM Good catch Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:36 PM Does writing right here right now count? I can type online but I can't spend money online. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:36 PM FWIW, I myself appreciate the emailed transcripts. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:37 PM Note that I'm not seeking a power grab. It's just that there don't seem to be any VP nominations (unless I'm confused). Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:38 PM I sent an email to the then president during a meeting. That was good enough. A request in this chat would seem to meet that requirement. One is supposed to be an associate member, which means having paid dues. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:39 PM Okay, that just leaves money as an issue? How much would I owe, and how soon would I have to pay it? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:40 PM Would it be possible to postpone the VP election until the April meeting, or set up a single-purpose meeting (by discord or email) for electing a VP between now and then? Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:41 PM Dues are $21 per year; details the ways to arrange payment. Chessiecon Marilyn Mix Membership Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:41 PM Or someone could pay my dues for me right now, and I could promise to pay them back. But first I'd need to know how much and how soon. Thanks. I could snail-mail a check, but it's unlikely to arrive before the end of this meeting. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:42 PM There is nothing in the by-;laws preventing it. Technically, one of the duteis of the trustees is to cast about for someone willing to hold an officer position in the case of resignation or removal of an officer. We're overall a very laid-back organization, though, so please no one take that as a veiled criticism of the Trustees, that was NOT at all my intention. Um, the dues for assiciate membership were set for this year as $21.00, payable by check, CC through Square, or electronically by PayPal. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:44 PM Thanks. As I said, a check is unlikely to arrive today even if I mail it today. And I never do online payment in any form. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:45 PM If we would hold the position of VP open until April, the effect on the organization would be, as far as I can tell, ZERO; since, as has already been pointed out, the chief duty of the VP is to take meeting notes.. The secondary duty of course, is to step up and serve as acting President, in the case of the President kicking it somehow. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:46 PM Also, that web page says the deadline for payment was early last month. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:46 PM OK. The deadline makes a lovely whooshing sound. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:46 PM And chair a meeting if the President can't make it for some reason. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:47 PM Go ahead and send in a check. We can fill the post in April. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 2:47 PM Perhaps we can defer filling VP until Keith can read the bylaws and understand what he's getting himself into. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:47 PM I recommend reading the bylaws between now and then as well. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:47 PM Please remind me where the bylaws are posted. Thanks. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:48 PM On the web page under "About Us". There's a to them there. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 2:48 PM Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:48 PM Two technical reasons for the deadline: 1. When we have a con, there's usually an increasing membership cost the later in the year one pays one's dues; and two, a push to try and get people's attention that hey, there are easons we exist. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:49 PM At the December meeting I asked if we wanted to extend the deadline but got no reply. Typically in years when we have a Chessiecon, the nominal deadline is the end of the convention, for the year starting at the beginning of the convention. We set December 1st as last year's deadline as a convenient equivalent. But it's fungible. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:49 PM "fungible" = "whoosh" Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:49 PM OK. So we have a slate with a hole in it and no other nominations from the floor. Keith is willing to undertake VP once he gets his membership in order; we will act further at the April meeting. I think we are ready to actually vote on the officers nominated. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:50 PM I move we elect those already nominated, and hold the VP position open until the April meeting. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:50 PM 2[masculine ordinal] Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:50 PM second. I was just typing that sme general message. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:50 PM Or someone could pay my membership right now and I could pay them back. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:51 PM It has been moved and seconded to elect the slate as presented. All in favor say Aye; those opposed say Nay. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:51 PM Aye Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:51 PM Aye DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:51 PM [eye] Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 2:51 PM Aye Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 2:51 PM Aye That looks like enough to pass the motion. We have officers for another year (save for VP which we will addressin April). Officer reports: Treasurer Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:52 PM 5 out of 9 is a majority, and the other 4 currntly paid psople aren't present DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:54 PM Are we emailing everyone the dates of meetings? Seems like if you don't attend a meeting and don't see the setting of the next one, you might lose track and get out of the loop Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:55 PM Our funds in various accounts stand unchenged from last meeting, at $2351.07. I did talk to ASCAP, they're aware now that we aren't going to do anything that would necessitate an ASCAP license. That ;eaave only the occasional tax thing for now. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:55 PM If they have Discord, they can look here at any time and see what was decided at the latest meeting. Including dates of upcoming meetigns. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:55 PM Unless we go onto the next idea of sponsorship of people at other cons: DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:56 PM That's a big if. Not everyone pays attention. Sponsorship of people or sponsorship of events at other cons? Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:57 PM But yes, meeting announcements should be mailed to members. And not with the aid of any chimps or other apes. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:57 PM I am fairly sure at least 2 out of the 4 folks were aware of the meeting today. I confess to having fallen down on getting the word out to the othersvia email over Xmas break. Also, we've been a bit, um, preoccupied all this time. For those of you who hadn't heard or seen it otherwise, my youngest brother-in-law (kid sister's husband) died on December 22nd. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 2:58 PM My condolences. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:58 PM #fsckcancer DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 2:58 PM Shouldn't need any sort of a mailing service to email 9 people Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 2:58 PM No, I can generally handle that manually Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 2:59 PM I'm in the loop of bring back some music/filk to Capclave. As one of Chessiecon's influences has always been music, since that's the case, does it make sense to also sponsor a musician or two for Balticon? I'm not sure of what Balticon's requirements are for guest memberships, etc. I do have regualr contact with Yakira, though, and she is heading up this year's programming overall, so I could probably tap into that resource to figure out what Chessiecon might want to do for sponsorship. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:00 PM Well, crud. For me, it was my wife's nephew, who died on 24 December. Wow. yeah, understanding sympathy here. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 3:00 PM I would think running it by Yakira would be a good first step Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:00 PM Yeah, I heard about that from her. My condolences. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:02 PM Are there objections to this idea? If not, I'll go down that route. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:03 PM Go for it. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:03 PM Depending on what costs are involved, we may need to do some fundraising for that. But without asking we won't know the details, so I support taking that first step. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 3:05 PM Agree Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:07 PM That pretty much wraps it up for Treasurer/Con Chair reports. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:07 PM Thanks. Registration? Then website Anything to report, @Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration How about website, @Marilyn Mix | Website Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 3:11 PM Yyes I updated the website with the annoucement about no in person Chessiecon for 2024 I added the Jan 7 meeting announcement I have also been posting on the Chessiecon Facebook Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:13 PM Sorry, Registration has nothing to report. Secretary acknowledges that the final minutes for 17 December are in my inbox but I haven't managed to do anything with them yet, hopefully this week. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 3:14 PM I am willing to write up the minutes for this meeting so we have continuity until April. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:14 PM That you. I've been mostly avoiding Faceplant again, as I find it mostly stupidly depressing. The only things that really keep me there at all are 1) The occasional need for me to deal with the Chessiecon FB, and two, how much absolutely crappier that Xitter has become. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:15 PM That you. And if I didn't mention it earlier, I did get the minutes for last meeting, and they're excellent, helped me keep track of stuff for today's meeting. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 3:16 PM I'm still active on Usenet. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:16 PM Thank you Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:16 PM And while I'm at it, can we get a round of applause for Marilyn, for keeping the electronic stuff together? And maybe Keith for the assist-is that acurate? Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 3:17 PM Thanks. I miss the parties at your house (Poryshkin). The last one ended a hair over ten years ago. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:17 PM [clapping hands] DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 3:17 PM [clapping hands] Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 3:17 PM You are welcome. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 3:18 PM Likewise. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 3:19 PM Just to assue you. I'll still do the website and social media as long as you want me to. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:19 PM [clapping hands] Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 3:20 PM I'm not great at social media. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:20 PM I appreciate that. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 3:20 PM I've never been on any so-called social network. unless you count Usenet. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:22 PM I think we've made it to the end of the agenda. Any last items, or is a motion to adjourn appropriate? Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:22 PM WhooHoo! Shortest meeting yet, or at least, of 2024. I move we adjourn. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 3:23 PM second Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:23 PM All in favor harumph Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:23 PM Harumph! Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:23 PM Harumph DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 3:23 PM Hiccup. I mean harrrrrrumph. Marilyn Mix | Website -- 01/07/2024 3:23 PM Harumph Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:24 PM Thank you all. See you in April here. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:24 PM On an unrelated note, as you may know, on 1 January 2024, the copyright on two notable literary works expired: the first was Mickey Mouse. The second was Lady Chatterly's Lover. I leave the rest to the fanfic community. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:25 PM Who has been seriously busy at it this past week. Herveus | Con Ops -- 01/07/2024 3:25 PM Mashups [backwards-R] Us Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 3:25 PM My brother and I watched Plane Crazy and Steamboat Willie last night. On YouTube, for free! DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 3:25 PM Careful, ONLY the Mickey as portrayed in the original Steamboat Willie is expired, later iterations are not. And Disney have better lawyers than you do Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:26 PM Well, that 's true. Which is one of the reason I left the rest to others. Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 3:28 PM Plane Crazy is also PD. It depicts Lindbergh while playing Hail to the Chief, reminding me of the recent Plot Against America miniseries, an alternate history in which Lindbergh became president in 1940. Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:29 PM [photo showing fresh snow] OK. time for me to put on my snow-shoveling clothes and get out there and move some frozen precipitation. Have a good one, folks. DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 3:29 PM We just got wet, no lasting frozen precip Keith Lynch -- 01/07/2024 3:29 PM No snow here, thankfully. I haven't finished raking yet. I hope to finish in time to start mowing. Poryshkin | Con Chair -- 01/07/2024 3:29 PM I read at least one of them, I think. Didn't that process involve an alternate timeline where Lindbergh's kid was Kidnapped for blackmail, instead of Kindnapped & unalived? Dave/Evan(damont) | Registration -- 01/07/2024 3:29 PM Different story here in PA DrGandalf -- 01/07/2024 3:30 PM Apparent;y