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024 0 TSFS business meeting 19 September 2015
Sam Hogan, Jo Hogan, Michael Houghton, Margaret Hogan, Greg Swiger, Josh Kronenburg, Mark Drexler, Merav? Hoffman

Josh reporting on music.

Hotel will set up concession stand in cloak room to sell quick food in morning.

Catering still a deep mystery. Pricing curious and hard to make sense of.

Hotel seems to have more handicap parking spaces than in past.

Jo to be con chair next year; Tom is relieved. It would be good to have a new candidate to take the job in 2017 who can understudy this year.

Marketing: professionals can be had for $200 a month.
Anyone with more ideas for this year?
Try smaller Anime cons (we don't want to sell ourselves as an Anime con).
TigerCon? Huge cons not productive for flyers.
Gaming conventions

Tech questions for Mike - no Mike yet

Video gaming needs computers.

Program book: include times and rooms or not? Discussion'85
No one had problems enough to complain about them with changing.
Yes; include all the data.

Should the prices and dates change for next year?

Money in hand is decent. More than we've budgeted for the con, and it's easing upward.
Neither too much nor too little, so prices should be good. Dates of price changes look good.

So, no. Same as this year.

Parking Lot Astronomy for 2016 - send ideas to Sam

Sam authorized to use TSFS debit card to buy stuff for CapClave Con Suite (will be promptly reimbursed).

3 October and 1 November next meeting dates? Do we need a 3 October meeting? Not really.

CapClave 9 October..

Meet December (debrief), January (officer elections), April, August, September, October, November.
Change bylaws to no require monthly meetings. Jo will float specific proposal on list to be considered at next meeting.

adjourned 1422}