{112521404470 {00 Helvetica;10 ArialMT;} {;255255255;293842;1660192;262626; } 144014401080084000 720144021602880360043205040576064807200792086400

024 0 TSFS Meeting - 14 January, via chat


Jo Hogan, Michael Houghton, Margaret Hogan, Eric Fleischer, Sam Hogan, Rowan Laidlaw, Joshua Kronenberg

Next meeting: online-only meeting 19 February, 1300

Next one after that: 30 April, 1300, Jo's house.

Proposed bylaw changes presented.

Available on Google Docs at 126 2 000 2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/11bjLfFL99qDVMfTJZ77wJ-qBY7vGEN6ndaJ0Z_D5OcA/edit

024 0 100 Proposed budget for Chessiecon 2017 presented.

Available on Google Docs at {} 12512800 000
024 100
Dr. G asks what this year's income was.

Down significantly. Maybe up to $1,000 loss on this year. There may be missing checks possibly packed up with registration materials. We spent more on marketing by a bunch, but some of that is good for next year. Time to tear apart storage room. One person has inquired why their check had not been cashed. We suspect there may be more.

At worst, we lost $1,000 which is neither astonishing nor a tragedy. This year's budged is trimmed some, and the hotel is continuing to offer us discounted rates.

Treasurer: currently $15,480.87 in all accounts. (and hotel deposit paid already)

We have confirmation from our salesperson that all of the space is reserved in our name. All of it. And the contract lists all of the rooms.


12512800 4 000 Officer Nominees are:0

4 Jo Hogan for President0
4 Michael Houghton (Herveus) for Vice President0
4 Sam Hogan for Treasurer0
4 Rowan Laidlaw for secretary0
4 Fred Blonder for Trustee

Moved and seconded to accept slate en bloc.

The ayes have it.

It is noted that most of the signatories on the bank account have resigned from TSFS.

Department heads are strongly encouraged to document relevant things to allow disaster recovery ("hit by a bus") and all that.

Jo has posted a copy of her notes, timeline, etc on the Google Drive under Chessiecon general information. Other department heads are asked to do so as well.

Also information from the treasure to facilitate access to records and bank account if something happens to him.

Dr. G has/will drawn up a summary of what he does for AV and what he brings to the con. Jo may have it already in hand.

Need to identify new signatories and go down to the bank. Perhaps ass Jo and Herveus. Possibly a trustee. Fred Blonder. Marc Drexler is better situated and is also a trustee.

Bank is BBT. Question on how many signatories allowed. Five?

Need to sort out the "when" part.

adjourned 1404
