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024 0 TSFS Meeting - 30 April at Panera and via hangout


Margaret Hogan, Sam Hogan, Jo Hogan, Fred Blonder, Michael Houghton, Rowan Laidlaw, Josh Kronengold, and one zombie (sir not appearing at this meeting).

Next meeting: Saturday July 15, 1300, Jo's house

Bylaws changes:

Rowan has a proxy from Charles Butler.

Motion to approve bylaw changes as written. Seconded.

Unanimously approved.


Charles suggested going through BMI as well as ASCAP. That's not necessary as BMI and ASCAP coordinate behind the scenes making it unnecessary (and even a Bad Idea). Good thought.

Paying a little less this year for guests because Music GoH local. A bit more for hotel. Otherwise pretty much the same. A bit more for the truck rental. A bit less for marketing.

Motion to approve budget. Seconded.

Unanimous consent. Approved.

Art show:

Should we even have one? Will its absence be a Big Deal? How do we deal with having an art guest of honor? We can figure something out for the Art GoH.

We can do something for Megan this time around. Sam really appreciates the show. Shane willing to do at-con stuff, but not pre-con stuff, and Jo doesn't want to do it this time around. We may not have the human resources to have an art show. The financial impact is minimal either way. We need to decide more or less now so we can open art show registration of announce its cancellation. We can find another use for that space.


Sam, Margaret, Jo, Josh...who else? Programming committee to meet soon. May 7.


Do we want to do anything "new" or "different"? Maybe try to encourage more costuming activity? Costumers should be encouraged to provide entrance music and make a production of it. Programming on safety - How Not To Be Fyre Festival. Or what to do if it happens to you.

More dancing requested.

Look for dancers at KW Dance Symposium (15-18 June).

Larry Schroeder apparently does swing. Contact him?

Fred will do a steam-punk ish thing, like Armored Trains.


$14863.93 right now. Lower than now in past years. We took a loss last year.


Do we have space for them. How do we keep it under control without stifling it.

Herveus has a fancy new printer that can do duplex printing in color. Precision of front/back registration unclear. Food for thought.

Video Gaming needs computers.

Con Ops would like listing from departments with volunteer needs.

Sam taking over dealer's room.

Margaret taking over web site.

Rowan taking over registration. And some marketing stuff.

Gaithersburg Book Festival 20 May.

From Dr. G:


12512800 0 000 I will not be able to attend, either live or by the interwebz.

Let me know if you need any info from me. I expect to do the same
thing this year as last year: Program AV, concert recording, and
possible also the playing of a previous concert.

Move we adjourn. Second. Objections squashed.


respectfully submitted,
Michael Houghton}