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024 0 TSFS Meeting - 23 September 2017 at Panera and hangout


Margaret Hogan, Sam Hogan, Jo Hogan, Michael Houghton, Fred Blonder

Next meeting: Saturday, October 14, 1300, location TBD (Jo's house or Panera)

October 4, noon, is hotel meeting. New banquets manager.

No need to change prices for 2018.

We need a coherent and clear comp policy. It's been really fuzzy. We expect a larger number of comps this year but they would not have been paid members otherwise, so no expected impact on the bottom line.

We also should consider how many guests we invite.

Concardia: We have cards for two events, and for guests.

Cover art: coming

Badge art: look over collected stuff.

Sound: no one to talk about it. There will be a kiosk in the atrium where people can plug in a music source to provide music for events. Will it handle an XBox? Mics in small programming rooms? Sound setup for music room?

Mugs ordered. This will complete the set of four. What to do for next year?

GoH gifts ordered.

Layouts available but no Steve.

Video gaming needs more computers. A couple that were thought to be availalbe don't work.

Farpoint noted that the Timonium room was unusable. Hotel claims it is being fixed. Backup plan is Video Gaming in Ridgely, so workshops and readings would be impacted.

Coordinating noise levels from Video Gaming so as to be quiet during services if they become neighbors.

Treasurer: Art show Paypal account still inaccessible. Balance: $13334.45, or so. This is less than same time last year, but we've paid guest travel already instead of afterwards.

Video gaming again: Margaret will be at hotel Wednesday to accompany Megan. Margaret will need a ride up on Wednesday.

We need a Guest Liaison on staff. Things went a bit sideways last year. Someone please step up (or dragoon someone)! New faces are welcome.

Video gaming needs another person especially for Mario Kart tournament. Having three most of the time would be a Good Thing'99.

Volunteer coordination at con: Sam and Jo need to talk. It would be nice to have an app for that. Anyone?

Program book: will be 8.5x11. Probably similar number of ads. Maybe one from Tor. Deadline for ads is 15 October.

Could we have "emergency costume repair" at Time Travelers Social? Hmmm...

Quiet room a big hit. Will discuss with hotel signage directing people to gender neutral bathroom.

Remember to ungang lights in different spaces.

Volunteers: Sam will probably need help with heavy lifting from storage room. Both before and after the con. Wednesday before and Monday after. Fred may be able to help. More bodies not a bad thing.

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