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024 0 1313 open
Sam Hogan, Meg Hogan, Marilyn, Michael Houghton

Next meeting Saturday, 11 Jan, 2pm, Panera


President: Michael Houghton
Vice President: Meg Hogan
Treasurer: Sam Hogan
Secretary: Bueller?
Trustee: Fred Blonder (confirm with him)


7200 2 3 000 To waive the membership fees required for 2019, and apply all such membership fees collected to be applied to TSFS/Chessiecon 2020.

Unanimous consent.

Chessiecon budget:

$10491.27 in various accounts. $1000 pending to hotel.

Total budget: $14810

Need 73 paid adult memberships to balance.

Written budget given to Vice President to include in minutes.

Evan and database access: Need to get 2019/2020 database from Jo to Evan. Sam will follow up.

Some vendors still in database; some took refunds.

Sam and Meg get website updated so we can sell memberships ASAP.

Concerns on FB about accessibility issues. Particularly getting to Versailles (Dealer) room.

We need a good dungeon map of the place with interlevel connections clearly marked.

Video Gaming will need some screens/TVs - requirements to come. HDMI and RCA connections needed.

Hotel Contract executed. Deposit sent.

Marilyn needs details on past program info. Contact Jo.

Motion to adjoun. 1359 done.
